Persongalleriet #588: New Scotland Yard
April blev en bloggfri månad för min del. Kände helt enkelt inte för det. Energin fanns inte riktigt. Lade ut en del singelbilder i pooler, på deviant art och på facebook i stället.
Nu tänkte jag ta tag i bloggen igen så att jag kommer igång inför Pekingresan i juni/juli. Om bara Kinas internet tillåter, med censur och allmänt låg hastighet som kan ställa till det, så kommer jag att live-blogga även från den resan.
Under blogguppehållet har jag bildbehandlat en del nytagna bilder och även från Istanbulresorna i mars och april -15. De senaste dagarna har jag suttit med bilder från London i juli -15. Så då vet ni vad ni har att vänta er framöver. Dvs ganska likt som tidigare... ;-)
Mjukstartar idag med bara en bild:
Ha en fin söndag, alla!
Persongalleriet #587: A to Z of Street Photography!
Har legat lågt med bloggandet ett par veckor. Delvis på grund av urladdningen med att blogga "live" från min Istanbulresa, men även på grund av att jag lagt tillgänglig tid på denna bildmässigt ganska omfattande artikel på om min dag med gatufotokollegerna Alphan Yilmazmaden och Ziaul Kareem i Istanbul. Över 100 bilder, både från mig och de andra. Och där många av bilderna visar på killarnas arbetssätt, och hur vi har fångat samma situation på våra egna sätt.
Ha det gott, alla!
Persongalleriet #585: Selfie with Cat & Hen
March 12th, 2016.
I'm used to all the stray dogs and cats here in Istanbul, but to find a hen and a cock strolling around a courtyard in the very centre of the city shook me up a bit.
The blog's title goes with this here pic:
At the other end of the yard was a male specimen of the same species. For a title for the next picture I was thinking of "Three Men and One Cock", but maybe that could be interpreted as a bit mean. What about "Three Men and a Cock", which gives us a bit of literary reference? Or maybe "Three Men and a Rooster", which should be harmless enough not to offend any sensitive viewers that might be out there somewhere??? Enough of titles, here's the photograph in question:
I'm writing this from a hotel near Sabiha Gökcen airport, so this is the last "live" blog this time around. But of course I will show more pictures from this trip and the other trips I have done and from the ones I hope will follow!
Be well, everybody!
Persongalleriet #584: The Big Spotlight in the Sky
Trying to learn a thing or two from Master Alphan, yesterday I looked for those little spots of light that can make a subject really stand out from the background. It was a sunny day, which is almost a prerequisite, otherwise you would have to look for electric lighting to do the job. I have especially come to love indirect sunlight bouncing off a bright surface.
For this next shot, I had scouted the scene for a possible street still life, when this guy stopped me in the street and asked me to take his portrait.I asked him to go down the stairs and it turned out it was the door to his place of work!
Later in the day I found a spot with some Hollywood big screen studio lighting right in the heart of the city. The direct sun is on her back and a big, unpainted aluminium wall is shooting the sunlight right back in her face! As the background is much darker, I think the effect is pretty striking!
Now I have to get out on the streets! It's my last shooting day in Istanbul after all!
Be well, everybody!
Persongalleriet #583: Red Wall - Green Carpet - Blue Sky
Istanbul. March 11th, 2016.
Be well, everybody!