I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor

Persongalleriet #585: Selfie with Cat & Hen

March 12th, 2016.
I'm used to all the stray dogs and cats here in Istanbul, but to find a hen and a cock strolling around a courtyard in the very centre of the city shook me up a bit.

The blog's title goes with this here pic:

At the other end of the yard was a male specimen of the same species. For a title for the next picture I was thinking of "Three Men and One Cock", but maybe that could be interpreted as a bit mean. What about "Three Men and a Cock", which gives us a bit of literary reference? Or maybe "Three Men and a Rooster", which should be harmless enough not to offend any sensitive viewers that might be out there somewhere??? Enough of titles, here's the photograph in question:

I'm writing this from a hotel near Sabiha Gökcen airport, so this is the last "live" blog this time around. But of course I will show more pictures from this trip and the other trips I have done and from the ones I hope will follow!

Be well, everybody!


Inlagt 2016-03-12 20:59 | Läst 4441 ggr. | Permalink

(visas ej)

Nämn en färg i den svenska flaggan?