I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor
Persongalleriet #728: Prague, Tuesday
April 11th, 2017.
We took an early morning walk down to the river and Charles Bridge. Early morning means not too many tourists and it turned out this fact was not only used by us, but also the wedding photographers.
We returned to our hotel to enjoy the great breakfast and a shower before heading out to the modern art museum, Veletržní palác - Národní galerie v Praze.
Anna-Lena at the modern art museum.
This is me being inspired to try and create some art when at the museum. :-)
After the museum we did the shopping thing for a while.
Tourist shot.
In the evening we went to a jazz club for some live music.
Be well, everybody!
Inlagt 2017-04-12 10:13 |
Läst 3181 ggr. |
För att få lite allmän känsla av inspiration i mig brukar modern konst funka bra. Men att det synas i gatufotot på något mer direkt sätt vet jag inte.
I sista gillar jag själv bakgrunden med kvinnan i skyltfönstret. Bara cute hade nog inte räckt för att bilden skulle platsa.