I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor

Persongalleriet #707: Hanoi, Wednesday

March 8th, 2017.
Woke early and got myself out on the streets by 8. Just to walk somewhere else I took a route past the park with the Lenin statue, the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum and the sight nearest my hotel, The Temple of Literature (which looked nice, I might visit it later). Sorry, no tourist pics from these attractions this time...  ;-) I did get to do high 5's with an entire class of 10-year-olds at the Mausoleum!

Sanitation, RGB style!

Mainly the R and B parts in this one...

Back at the hotel by 10 for a mid-morning tea and snack. And a nap...  :D

Got out again at 12:30 and walked some new (for me of course) alleys near the hotel, just west of the main train station.

Found these guys playing their chess. The guy on the left spoke very good English and surprised me by knowing where Umeå is. He had even passed through on a trip to Sweden!

I got hungry and started looking for something to eat. I found this little place where the guy offered to make me my first Vietnamese kebab! He said since I was such a special customer, he wanted to take a photo of us together. His buddy held the phone and of course i asked for them to take a shot with my camera also.

That's my kebab he's hold and yeah, it was super delicious! Different than a "Swedish" kebab, more like Gyros with cilantro...  :-)

While waiting for the sandwich to be prepared an elephant walked by:

And this scene made me stand up and cross the street:

Three chicken.

The afternoon walk was cut short by massive rains. I jumped into a cab and holed up for the rest of the day.

Be well, everybody!


Inlagt 2017-03-09 10:39 | Läst 3072 ggr. | Permalink

(visas ej)

Hur mycket är tolv minus två?
Skriv svaret med bokstäver
Intressant, världen syns stor men är ganska liten. Och alla vet var Ume är!
Svar från niiiik 2017-03-09 11:59
Ja, i alla fall en gubbe! :-)
Riktigt bra Niklas. Sköna bilder!.
/ Bengt H.
Svar från niiiik 2017-03-11 14:59
Stort tack, Bengt!