I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor

Persongalleriet #703: Hong Kong, Saturday

March 4th, 2017.
On Mr. Ming's advice I rode the tram to  Wan Chai and walked up and down backstreets and main streets alike, working my way towards Causeway Bay. All the while taking in the markets and activity all over. A truly great environment for street photography!

View from the double decker tram.

Southorn Playground.

If  the Friday was ferocious streeting, whis is often the case for me on first days, on this day I tried to find lines, angles and generally think a little bit more. Hard to do when there are so many people and so much interesting going on at the same time!

Wan Chai Market.

Best friends.

After 5 hours I decided I needed some rest and went back to the hotel. Rejuvenated, I found the energy to do an evening walk as well. This time walking towards the water and the Ferry terminal. Here I found mostly modern, large scale, architecture which inspired me to slow down even more and find the compositions. The photos shown below are from the last 5 minutes of my day.

The stairs up to my hotel.

That's enough blogging for now, Victoria Peak and the Star Ferries await!

Be well, everybody!


Inlagt 2017-03-05 01:36 | Läst 2778 ggr. | Permalink

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Vad heter hufvudstaden i Sverige?
1, 3 and 5 stand out for me, The girl in no 3 gives me Edvard Munch vibes! Not surprised to see you're enjoying photographing there!
Best regards,
Svar från niiiik 2017-03-05 10:45
No 3 is my personal favorite from the trip so far. But I have only looked through 5% maybe...
Tomorrow I fly to Hanoi. I'm excited to see what that city is like!
Be well, Fredrik!
I agree with Fredrik below, 1, 3 and 5 stands out. The 1st picture is a really nice street view with nice colors. The 3rd picture is a fantastic moment captured. You wonder why she has that expression. The 5th is kind of a favorite. A really nice dark street situation. Going to a party, maybe?
Be well!
Svar från niiiik 2017-03-05 10:50
Thanks, Micke! :-)
No 3: I have no idea why, but I reacted and got the shot.
No 5: Well, it was Saturday night after all!
2017-03-05 10:57   Urban Bäcklund
Really nice pictures, I like them, keep going 👍
Svar från niiiik 2017-03-05 12:53
Thank you my friend, I will! :-)
Ettan och trean är mina favoriter. Verkar vara en spännande stad, ändå är jag glad jag inte bor där :-)/ Björn T
Svar från niiiik 2017-03-05 12:55
Tack, Björn!
Jag skulle heller inte vilja bo här. Några månader under "rätt" årstid skulle väl funka, men inte mer.