I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor

Persongalleriet #650: Sunset at the Water Cube

Or Beijing, day 18. July 1st, 2016.
I woke early and just stepped into pants and shoes and started streeting right away! Two hours of enjoyment in the glorious morning light and comfortable temperature and still it was just 8 in the morning! But I'll save these pictures for later blog entries.

I took a good long rest before heading out again at around four in the afternoon. Now, I started at Houhai lake and made my way to the ancient drum and bell towers.  Had a wonderful hutong walk north of these towers. But I'll save these pics for later also.

I decided to see the sunset at the Olympic stadiums, since the weather had been, and still was really beautiful on this day. Came upon some lovely scenes at the mighty Bird's Nest Olympic Stadium! But I'll even save those photos for later!

What I will show now is some shots of the beautiful Olympic Swimming Stadium, the Water Cube, as it sails into the sunset. Here's an overview of the scene:

See that warm glow at the far end of the Water Cube? I did, and I wanted to do something more with it!

Maybe add some interesting circles in the foreground?

Street it up a bit with some people closer to the camera?

Another try at that...

Something more abstract? I'll call it "Multiple Sunsets"!

As I was wrapping this up, two guys with cowboy hats walked by me. Of course I spinned around and let the camera work! Title: "Into the Sunset".

Be well, everybody!


Inlagt 2016-07-04 02:40 | Läst 2200 ggr. | Permalink

(visas ej)

Vad heter Disneyfiguren Kalle A*** i efternamn?
Wow, vilka bilder Niklas! Helt underbart morgonljus! Alla bilder blir favoriter idag!!
Svar från niiiik 2016-07-05 07:51
Stort tack, Micke!
Kvällsljus var det men ändå! ;-)
Mikael Jakobsson 2016-07-05 21:04
Aj då! Miss av mig, men fantastiskt ljus oavsett! :)