I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor
Persongalleriet #641: Beijing, Day 8
Tuesday June 21st, 2016.
Unfortunately, my Monday of rest didn't give me the results I had hoped for. Actually my back was feeling worse than ever and now my stomach had started to act up. A mild case of tourist belly maybe...
I decided to just do morning and evening walks and rest during the worst heat of the day. Here are some of the shots:
Be well, everybody! :-)
Inlagt 2016-06-24 14:59 |
Läst 2081 ggr. |
I'm a few days behind with the blog, and now I'm better again. But first it got worse!
You remember correctly: Nine whole days left, plus the travel days.
Be well you to!
I'm better now, But in between it got worse!