I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor
Persongalleriet #393: Istanbul Continued
I feel I'm a bit backlogged with my so called 'live' reporting from this great city. But I'll start off with some more pictures from the 10th of April 2015, which was my day with Alphan Yilmazmaden.
We had a lot of çay breaks! :-)
Alphan at work!
Happy Trash Man.
We visited some mosques.
And even more çay. Even tough this çay isn't ours.
Covered Hair.
By the Tram Line.
We had a special street photo challenge in these crowded alleys north and downhill from the Grand Bazaar.
Maybe close-ups were the best choice in that environment.
My report from this lovely day will be continued at a later date!
Inlagt 2015-04-13 22:48 |
Läst 1724 ggr. |
Tack, Mikael!
Ja, jag har en väldigt fin upplevelse här!
Tack, Danne, ha det fint!