I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor
Persongalleriet #391: The First 7 Minutes
Istanbul, April 10th 2015.
Yesterday I was fortunate enough to meet the wonderful Mr Alphan Yilmazmaden, a great Turkish street photographer. He came to my hotel at 10 o'clock in the morning and we set out on a magical nine hour photo walk. These pictures are from the first seven minutes of those nine hours, taken in close vicinity of my hotel in a district with a lot of shoe stores. It seems a lot of new merchandise had arrived everywhere and since the shops were too small for the unpacking, they used the streets.
That's it for now!
Inlagt 2015-04-11 08:11 |
Läst 2239 ggr. |
Tack, Yvonne!
Ha det så bra!
Tack, Heléne, ha det fint!
Det var ordentligt kyligt i Istanbul de första dagarna. Fortfarande inte direkt varmt, men idag var skönaste dagen hittills.
Ha det fint!
Såg inte till några lastbilar, undrar var dom är...
Ha det gott, Mikael!
Ha det fint!