I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor
Persongalleriet #389: Istanbul in the Rain
It was really, cold, wet and windy on the streets of Istanbul today! At lunchtime, the damp was down to my underwear, which was when I gave up for the day. I was freezing! But before that it was amazing! Found some really steep, rugged, backstreets near my hotel which gave me a lot of opportunities. I hope it shows, at least in some of the shots!
You'd better hold on to that cheap crumbling umbrella!
Please enlarge to see how much it's raining!
As long as your hair is dry!
That's it, folks!
Inlagt 2015-04-09 18:07 |
Läst 2325 ggr. |
Hoppas du får sol i morgon!!!
Stort tack, Lena! :-)
Trots allt hoppas jag på att få slippa se det vädret här igen! I alla fall under den här resan! :-)
Tror han hade fått hjälp av någon vindby att fixa till den modellen! :-)
Ha det fint!
Kul att du gillar min bussbild, Mikael!
Ha det gott!