Kika gärna in i min blogg! Jag blir glad om du lämnar ett avtryck genom en kommentar:) /Carina:)

En trevlig midsommarafton - a nice evening....

And why did I change language to english now, I always write in Swedish. Last night our friends Åsa, Jörgen and Jacob visited us. The brought some friends too, from India. I want them to understand this blog as well. I probably spell a lot of words in the wrong way, but it doesn´t matter. When I talked english there came a lot of mixed words out of me, a little bit of swedish, english and maybe something else. But, I prefere to talk anyway, and I don´t care if it´s not perfect. Just like my spelling now. Here´s som pictures from last night, from dinner and our competition. We compete in five different competitions, just for fun. And the price was candy, for everyone:) Some of the competitions were new for Jim, Sujit and Kamal.

My daughter Sanna:)

Made by Åsa:)



Jacob, Leif serving food to Sujit and Malin (press the pictures, to see them bigger....)

Jim, Sujit and Kamal didn´t dare to say no when I came with my camera:)

Jacob started....


Jacob and Jörgen

I competed too....


I almost missed Malin in this picture, but she didn´t miss with the ball...

Jacob looked at the results....

This year the winner was Jörgen, but next year it´s my turn:)

I had a very nice evening and I hope everyone else had it too....


Inlagt 2011-06-25 20:46 | Läst 5318 ggr. | Permalink

"Vackert! Men det kändes lite overkill med en desert eagle som pistol? Kram på er!"

(visas ej)

Hur mycket är tre plus två?
Skriv svaret med bokstäver
Ni såg ut att ha riktigt skoj! Kul när man anordnar småtävlingar i kombination med god mat och dryck. :-)
Svar från Carina Hedlund 2011-06-26 10:59
Tack Rei! Ja, vi hade trevligt! Tävlingarna är inte så svåra, alla ska ha möjlighet att vara med... (och vinna:)
2011-06-26 01:59   Jonas
Men det kändes lite overkill med en desert eagle som pistol?
Kram på er!
Svar från Carina Hedlund 2011-06-26 11:01
Tack Jonas! Blev tvungen att googla på Desert eagle.... Skulle ha behövt skarpare ammunition, alla burkarna föll inte omkull fastän jag träffade:( Haha, kanske ska träna oftare än en gång per år vid vår tävling!