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Problem med Nikon 70-200/2,8 VR II

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Ytterligare uppdatering på Nikon Rumors:

Failures Observed: lens thread defect at 200mm (the customer believes either thread or its coating peeling off). Inspection requested.

Maintenance Performed: After inspection, thread of the lens submitted indeed has certain peeling. However, that is normal when the surface of that metal was manufactured. There, the alleged problem will not affect the len’s performance, rigidness, or function.

-- Nicke
Ytterligare uppdatering på Nikon Rumors:

Failures Observed: lens thread defect at 200mm (the customer believes either thread or its coating peeling off). Inspection requested.

Maintenance Performed: After inspection, thread of the lens submitted indeed has certain peeling. However, that is normal when the surface of that metal was manufactured. There, the alleged problem will not affect the len’s performance, rigidness, or function.

-- Nicke

Jag har också nåt som liknar det jag såg på bilden, ska bli intressant att höra vad fler har att säga, och vad det är för nåt.
Ytterligare en kommentar från Nikon Rumors:

There are no error or defect in your lens.
What you see inside the lens from the front are not threads, but a flange that prevents light reflection inside the lens. In the flange there are some very small holes, closest to the "pores" that occurs natulig during a casting process because of the fine print of the foam used in molding the forms. This does not affect the lens performance in any way. There is nothing to peel off from these small holes. They also look bigger than they really are, due to the magnification of the front lens element.
Nikon will publish an official response during this week as soon as it is available from Nikon centrally.

-- Nicke
Egentligen inte detta knappast ett problem eftersom det inte påverkar objektivets prestanda. Men det visar att man inte hittat en tillverkare av den berörda delen som kan gjuta ordentligt. Så går det när det ska spottas ut nya prylar hela tiden, tyvärr. Man har inte tid att ta reda på om leverantörerna kan hålla tillräckligt hög kvalitet.

Om jag hade ett objektiv med dessa effekter hade jag dock inte brytt mig ett dyft så länge det inte finns lösa metallflagor inne mellan linserna.
Officiellt svar från Nikon:

The 70-200mm f/2.8G ED AF-S VRII lens features a component in the lens design which may appear to have surface pits or a rough texture when viewed through the front lens element. This rough surface appears in a very small confined area within the lens barrel and is caused by air holes remaining in the metal portion of the lens during component construction. Due to the magnifying effect of the front element this rough surface will appear greatly enlarged when viewed through the front of the lens.

This components function is to reduce and remove internal reflections from the lens and due to this the texture of the surface will have no effect on the lenses performance or operation. Nikon would like to assure customers that the lenses optical performance remains unchanged and that this component will not release any dust or particles into the lens itself.

-- Nicke
På bilderna ser det bara ut att vara en ojämnt gjuten metalldel, vilket inte lär orsaka några problem. Men andra påstår ju att de har fått sprillans nya objektiv fulla av damm, förmodligen från slarv vid tillverkningen, och det är ju värre.

Prova f ö att lysa med ficklampa i vilket nytt objektiv som helst, det ser ofta för jävligt ut utan att påverka objektivets funktion :).
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