
K10D-test på

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Det verkar vara en läsvärd test. Färgåtergivning och dynamik verkar speciellt bra som jag förstår direktöversättningen nedan.

"The kontrastumfang is likewise surprisingly good. I cannot express it in screen stages, but admitted the difference to other me to DSLR models is remarkable. I photograph gladly also times against the light or try to catch lighting effects. In situations, where I had large problems to obtain useful results the K10D does not master the challenge problem-free, but nevertheless so well, as I did not expect it. Since the Photokina thereby is recruited that the new internal image processing improves also the kontrastumfang, but also something by the advertisement is all too often said, what is not afterwards then correct...; -)

A revolution is the K10D in this range not and I is the opinion that the Foveon sensor is still somewhat better that sigma SD9/SD10, the disadvantage of a classical CCD however became noticeably smaller."

"Better than and almost inspired me the color reproduction of the K10D expected. I experienced so a natural color reproduction so far with no of me tested camera. Whether to the internal 22Bit-Verarbeitung, which for new signal processor (Pentax processorprocessor processor) or simply only in the software is appropriate for changes, I cannot judge, the result speak however for itself."
Och så slutklämmen av testet.


+ ShakeReduction system
+ DustRemoval system
+ very good display
+ simple operation
+ housings splash-water and dust-protected
+ extensive functions in the RAW software
+ good color reproduction
+ high kontrastumfang
+ support for coming objectives with ultrasonic engines
+ automatic marking to bright & to dark display spaces
+ RGB- & Luminanz histogram
+ autostopped-down metering with old objective


- grasp relatively flat
- no A-TTL-functionality
- Wireless lightnings only with additional lightning as masters on the camera possible
- Bulb mode partly breaks off after 32sek
- no AF Hilfslicht (only lightning salvo)
- platziert somewhat unfavorably flashing branch"

My result

"In this year I could take several different DSLR models more exactly under the magnifying glass and on the Photokina was offered in particular the possibility of testing and at least superficially of comparing various current cameras of the DSL RH creators. Best the K10D and the Nikon D200 pleased me. That the Nikon system pleases me also well, I stressed the K10D several times in this year already, directly with the Nikon D200 or another camera to compare I would however not like, because each model has own strengths and weaknesses.

How becomes probably from my report fast clear, the K10D pleases me also in the second impression as my first impression on the Photokina in Cologne was still at least just as good. The only genuine problem, which I could find, pray-meets the Bulb mode. Otherwise the K10D works exemplary. It is fast, well finished, to serve simply and supplies a good image quality. Also new smc Smc-DA 2.4/70 Limited as well as the optional battery handle D-BG2 left a good impression."

"Particularly were noticeable to me the large and beautiful display, the enormous function range as well as surprisingly good characteristics related to kontrastumfang and color reproduction. Here the internal 22Bit-Verarbeitung seems to be far more than bare marketing gossip! The intoxication behavior at high ISO values remains still in addition despite the 10 megapixels on a bearable level. I need to emphasize the advantages of the ShakeReduction system meanwhile probably hardly still specially".

"All in all of me a clear recommendation for the K10D, particularly since a price of 999 euro appears more than attractive THERE for the camera inclusive 18-55. The total package with ShakeReduction, DustRemoval, very good Sucher, good image quality, splash-water and dust sealing as well as a high quality of workmanship leave little clearance for criticism. Behind other manufacturers to hide itself Pentax does not have now finally no more, whereby it should be directly clear that also from other manufacturers in the future again new conceptions are to be expected and one can again in each case evaluate..."
Sista punkten på nackdelarna är ungefär:
"Blixtknappen är något olämpligt placerad".

Problemet med "Bulb mode" är att för testaren så stänger kameran av sig efter 32 sek med ett "batteri tomt"-meddelande. Han kunde reproducera problemet ibland om batteriet var mindre än 50% fullt.

Att det är just 32 sek låter som ett programmeringsfel...
Jag råkade ut för "32 sekunders bulb"-buggen och efter lite letande på dpreview kunde jag konstatera att den försvann efter 2 laddningar av batteriet...
Såg KM:s test av K10 och de gav den totalt 8,2 i betyg, kommer inte ihåg varje delmoment men undrar om någon har kvar tidningen där de testar D80. Hade varit kul att se vad den fick på de olika testdelarna.

Vad är KM? Jaha ni menar Kamera&bild, jo den var övervägande positiv.
KM är väl annars förkortning av avsommnade KonicaMinolta.
Götaplatsens foto – en riktig fotobutik.