Aktiv medlem
När gäller filnamn och att byta dessa till vad som nu är det personliga valet är det en detalj att tänka på. Om man ändrar filnamnet inuti Lightrooms bibliotek så behåller LR det ursprungliga filnamnet i sin databas. Om man däremot ändrar filnamnet vid importen av bilderna så kastar LR originalfilnamnet och det kommer således inte att lagras i databasen. Gone forever liksom.
George Jardine skriver såhär i ett svar till en av kommentarerna till hans artikel;
"Yeah…. storing the original file name is important. But it’s sometimes hard to convince certain folks of the legacy value of that. I always tell my students to store it, because they may decide later that I’m smoking crack, and they might want to change their file naming back to something else! And if / when that happens, having the original file name can be helpful. Also I feel that having the original sequence number has some value.
But one thing that I neglected to talk about in the article, is that when you rename photos in the LR library, LR stores the original file name for you. Only trouble is, it’s quite ephemeral. Although it does store it in the catalog, it does not write it to XMP, nor is it exposed in the SDK. So your idea of also putting it into an IPTC field is a good one.
Finally, note that if you change file names during import, LR simply discards the original file name, and it is not stored anywhere at all. With luck one day, the LR team will fix that one."
Om det nu har någon betydelse men kan iaf vara värt att känna till....
George Jardine skriver såhär i ett svar till en av kommentarerna till hans artikel;
"Yeah…. storing the original file name is important. But it’s sometimes hard to convince certain folks of the legacy value of that. I always tell my students to store it, because they may decide later that I’m smoking crack, and they might want to change their file naming back to something else! And if / when that happens, having the original file name can be helpful. Also I feel that having the original sequence number has some value.
But one thing that I neglected to talk about in the article, is that when you rename photos in the LR library, LR stores the original file name for you. Only trouble is, it’s quite ephemeral. Although it does store it in the catalog, it does not write it to XMP, nor is it exposed in the SDK. So your idea of also putting it into an IPTC field is a good one.
Finally, note that if you change file names during import, LR simply discards the original file name, and it is not stored anywhere at all. With luck one day, the LR team will fix that one."
Om det nu har någon betydelse men kan iaf vara värt att känna till....