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Hej Fotosidan,

Såg en annons på blocket med Canon EF 70-200mm f2,8 IS USM för 7,000kr utannonserad i Stockholmsregionen. Jag mailade annonsören som påstod sig bo i London, läs nedan. (börja från botten).

Jag har ersatt mailadresserna med XXX för både min och den potentiella säljarens integritet


Hello again.
I am really glad that you speak english.
I want to make this transaction by an escrow company, they will handle this
transaction for us (receiving payment and delivery). All taxes are included in the
price and the shipping process will take aprox 3 days.

This are the steps of the transaction:
1. First of all and most important, if You agree to close the deal, You will have to
send me Your shipping information ( Your full name and address / contact phone
number and if available also a fax number ).
- After I receive Your shipping information, I will contact the transport company
and make the shipping reservation onto Your name and with your shipping address as
the intended receiver.

2. You will receive a notification from the transport company as a confirmation that
the package is in their custody.
- You will also receive the payment instructions.
- You will have to make the payment to them. The transport company will verify the
payment, and if everything is in order, they will start the shipment and the
package will be delivered to your door step in 3 working days. The payment is sent
to the transport company and not to me directly. The payment will be forwarded to
me only after You receive the package and confirm that You accept it.
- After You will receive the package and You will be completely satisfied with it,
You will instruct the transport company with your decision.

3. The package will come with 10 days Return Policy ( Period to inspect the package
and if by any reason You won't be satisfied, You will be fully refunded within 24
hours). If by any reason, You will not be satisfied with the product, You will
return it to the transport company with no expense. ( I will support all the
returning taxes ). The return policy is like a warranty that everything is exactly
as I described it and it will be provided by me in association with the transport
The transaction will be ensured by their third party service the offers both the
seller and the buyer safety.
If you agree with all this we can proceed with the deal.
Thank you and I will wait your fast answer.

----- Original Message -----
From: XXX
To: Tustin Stermer <XXX>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 11:50:00 +0300
Subject: Re: Ang. Canon Ef 70-200mm f 2.8 L Is

> Hello Tustin,
> I've always been quite sceptical about buying merchandise off of private
> persons over long distance, hence I must respectfully discharge my
> interest in your lens. However if you visit Stockholm in the near future,
> please e-mail me.
> Regards,
> Linus
>> Hej,
>> Tack fr att du kontaktar mig angende min prtodukt. Den finns
>> fortfarande kvar. Produkten r perfekt och inkluderar alla tillbehr.
>> Vnligen kontakta mig om du vill kpa min produkt. Just nu r jag i
>> London, UK fr jag har just flyttat hit. Om du gillar produkten kan vi
>> gra en snabb affr. Skatter och frakt r inkluderat i priset.
>> Tack.
>> P.S. I am very sorry for my Swedish but I hope you can understand. If you
>> want we can continue in english, because it would be much better for me.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "[email protected]" <XXX>
>> To: XXX
>> Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 11:25:00 +0300
>> Subject: Ang. Canon Ef 70-200mm f 2.8 L Is
>>> Hej Tustin!
>>> Finns objektivet kvar?
>>> Mvh Linus
En känd bluff som diskuterats i flera trådar tidigare på FS. Märkligt att Blocket inte lyckats stoppa den/dem som ligger bakom.
Det påminner om den här bedragaren i London, som ville köpa en bärbar dator på eBay:

Bedragaren använde sig av en falsk escrowsida, som skulle "meddela att de hade pengarna och att säljaren skulle få dem när mottagaren fått datorn". Bedragaren skulle alltså få varan, men inga pengar till säljaren.

Bedragaren höll mycket riktigt till i London, och adressen gick till hans kombinerade internetcafé och frisörsalong. En londonbo rapporterade:

"OK, so, the shop itself. Two barber chairs, four or five very cramped terminals downstairs and, I think, some upstairs too. Big window, easy visibility inside from without. Under the window (on the outside) is a mailbox for '9B' but there is no way on Earth our man is going to get a laptop-sized package in it. Were I the delivery guy I would take one look at that and then go into the shop and ask. Oh, the shop also sells toy guns for some inadequately explored reason.

The owner, or at least the guy in charge while I was there, is a black guy in his mid-20s (estimate). Credit where it's due, the haircut he gave me was of a pretty good standard (not a bad barnet, for Barnet). Not the sharpest knife in the box and he has some odd ideas relating to the police."

Det slutade i alla fall med att säljaren skickade en falsk dator (en pärm med påklistrade tangenter!), som bedragaren fick betala hög tull för att hämta ut. Det kostade säljaren visserligen porto, men det blev en historia att lägga ut på nätet. :)
Har också stött på honom 2 ggr nu på kort tid.
Verkar vara svårsålt för honom då blocket hela tiden tar bort annonsen för honom:)
Tråkigt att det inte går att göra ngt åt det. Förr eller senar är det väl ngn stackare som åker dit.
Har oxå stött på honom, han försökte sälja en Nikkor Noct för 7k, men backade ganska snabbt på den affären.

Varför skulle man lägga ut något på blocket när man precis flyttat till London :\? Nä, fetscam