
Bättre color management för Windows XP!

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Den tackar man allra ödmjukast för.

Nu går det äntligen att kalibrera 2 skärmar med separata profiler och XP separerar även vid omstart.

Observera dock nedan annars håller inte XP reda på profilerna vid nästa omstart.

Applying color profile adjustments to your display dynamically

Some color profiles generated by display calibration software may contain color gamut information (in the form of an ICC 'VCGT' tag) that can be used to dynamically update the color gamut of your display. These color profiles are displayed with an ' * ' in the Color Control Panel Applet. When you choose one of these profiles as the default profile for your display and click Apply, Windows applies the color gamut adjustments to the display dynamically. (Note that this is not supported using the built-in Windows Display Properties user interface; you must use the Color Control Panel Applet to update the default profile to see this adjustment.) A professional photographer might use this feature, for example, to change the display profile on the fly when giving a presentation using an external projector and a notebook computer. The display profile can be quickly reverted to that for the built-in display when the presentation is finished.

IMPORTANT: Use of this feature may depend on having the latest drivers for your video card installed. It is a good idea to make sure your display drivers are up to date before installing the Microsoft Color Control Panel Applet.

Applying color profile adjustments automatically when Windows starts up

By default, display gamut adjustments are applied only for the current user session. You can, however, cause the Microsoft Color Control Panel Applet to "silently" apply these adjustments to all attached displays by launching the application using the /L command line switch. Using this feature, you can place a shortcut in your Windows Startup folder to cause these adjustments to be applied every time Windows starts up.

To do this, locate the WinColor.exe application in your Program Files folder. Typically, it is found in the following location: "C:\Program Files\Pro Imaging Powertoys\Microsoft Color Control Panel Applet for Windows XP" Right click on WinColor.exe and choose Create Shortcut. Right click on the shortcut and choose Properties, then append " /L" to the Target pathname. You can then move this shortcut into your Windows Startup Folder to be run automatically when you log into Windows.

Har aldrig haft problem med olika profiler på olika skärmar, men tidigare har det varit väldigt beroende av hur grafikkortet uppträder för windows. En del dubbelskärmskort lurar ju windows att det är en stor skärm, andra uppträder som om det var dubbla grafikkort, med dessa har det aldrig varit problem med dubbla profiler.
Götaplatsens foto – en riktig fotobutik.