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Androidapp för framkallning!

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Hi everyone!

There's this one thing that has been bugging me the past month, and that is that there's no Android timer app that's usable for film development. So I created one real quick today after work and decided to share it.

This is the first version, so it's a bit rough.

What it does is that it gives you a wouwou-sound when its time to agitate and a wouuuuui-sound when its time to pour the developer out.

You can set the total dev time, the time between agitations and also an "offset" number.
The offset is used to warn you before agitation is done, i.e. if you want to agitate every 60th second and set the offset to 5 seconds, the agitation signal will sound at 0:55, 1:55 2:55 etc, instead of 1:00, 2:00, 3:00.
This way you can put on your gloves in time to flip the jar

I'd greatly appreciate any feedback and suggestion.

For the to-do list I have the following:

Add a counter
Make a different sound for the final agitation
Add a stop button
Create a fancy UI and icon

The application can be downloaded here:


<img src="">


Oj, det där hade jag ingen aning om alls! Antar att min app snart kommer bli överflödig då.

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