I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor

Persongalleriet #772: Booked a trip to Istanbul!

I now have flights and a hotel room reserved for the March school holiday. It will be my third trip to Istanbul. On the previous occasions I have traveled by myself, but this time I will bring my son Sam! In 2015 and 2016 I mostly did street photography and not much tourism, but now that I have Sam's company the plan is to see some of the big sights. Of course, streeting is still high on my agenda and I hope to do some with my great friends Canan and Alphan!  Today I'll show some colour photos from April 13th, 2015, my first day with Canan.

Canan at the Besiktas market hall.

Woman with Yellow Scarf.

Mobile Central.

Canan shooting on our way north from Besiktas.

Have a great weekend everybody!


Inlagt 2018-01-20 09:35 | Läst 19603 ggr. | Permalink

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