I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor
Persongalleriet #750: Live blog from NYC: Halloween
I flew three flights, Umeå-Stockholm, Stockholm-Oslo and then the long one: Oslo-New York for a total travel time of almost 16 hours. But I had a couple of hours sleep on the plane, so I went ahead with my plan to do a photo-walk in the area of the New York Halloween parade. I managed four hours, before succumbing to my tiredness, didn't see the actual parade. I was sad to hear about the terror attack that had happened during my walk, but unknown to me until I got back to my room and turned on facebook.
Here are three quick photos from yesterday.
Be well everybody!
Inlagt 2017-11-01 13:54 |
Läst 2185 ggr. |
/ Bengt H.
Hälsningar, Bjarne