I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor

Persongalleriet #732: Prague, Monday

April 17th, 2017.
I had lost two days to fever. Saturday, I think the fever was pretty high, since I slept away the whole day. Sunday I could do stuff at the computer for shorter periods of time before taking it easy again. By evening I started to feel OK.

It was Easter Monday and raining. So the streets were quite empty, with groups of confused tourists huddling under umbrellas, while walking between one closed tourist site and another.

I chose to go back to the main train station again. It turned out to be a good choice. It was filled with people, who had probably visited friends or family in Prague during Easter and were now on their way back home again to start work the next day. On my visit three days earlier, I had noticed the red ceiling design with circular lamps fitted with flurescent lights shaped a bit like hands. I found the patterns they made quite striking. Here's one photo from the Friday, the rest are from Monday:

Rat in a Cage.

While checking this photo on the camera screen, I realized there were raindrops on the lens and I wiped it.

Snack Time.


Take care, everybody!


Inlagt 2017-04-18 10:25 | Läst 3966 ggr. | Permalink

(visas ej)

Vad heter hufvudstaden i Sverige?
Bildmässigt så gillar jag bilderna från vardagen. Det som får mig att reagera negativt är nog den stackars hamstern som kanske får tillbringa livet på den minst sagt minimala ytan. Hoppa jag har fel.
Svar från niiiik 2017-04-18 17:33
Tack, Sten!
Svårt att veta om det bara är en transportbur eller dess permanenta boplats.