I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor
Persongalleriet #649: Beijing, Day 17
June 30th, 2016.
I did my photographic rounds, as always! Here's what I found on this day:
A Little Bit of Green.
At the Kiosk.
Come to Granny!
Big Hat?
Bao Zi Buns.
In the Scorching Sun.
Be well, everybody!
Inlagt 2016-07-03 09:39 |
Läst 1468 ggr. |
Take care!
Street is about people in the urban environment, and that's what I like to do! :-)
Be well!
Stort tack för dina fina ord!
Fast i nästa blogg blir det något helt annat! :-)
Tack, Micke!
Mvh Tommy