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Persongalleriet #643: Beijing, Day 9-11

Day 9: Went to the Forbidden City, which I wrote about in the previous blog entry.
After finishing up I felt hungry, tired and very very warm. It was +35 C after all! I had a light lunch of some mild, but delicious, jiaozi, so as not to aggravate my stomach too much. Here's a pic shot through the restaurant window:

Back in my room during the early evening I realized I had a fever. Even though I had about 2 liters of water during the day, between that tourist belly and the heat, it must have been way too little.

Day 10: A bad night with rising fever and fluids just coming out and I decided to stay in the air-conditioned room all day. Just having water and nothing else. The fever subsided eventually and in the evening I added some lukewarm Coca-Cola, with the bubbles whisked away. (Old Lindskog family household trick for upset bellies). No photos at all on day 10.

Day 11: Throughout the day, I kept drinking lots of water and a little of the coke mentioned above. Strangely enough, I felt quite energetic and went on an early morning photo-walk. Here are some of the snaps:

Sunflower alley!

Even the Chinese get the Blues!  :-)

Bike With a View.

The Pups.

After the photo-walk, I tried a buttered slice of toast for breakfast which stayed with me. That got my hopes up a bit. Call me crazy, but I went on a trek across Beijing with the goal of streeting at Beijing Train Station. Found a western style café for lunch. A tuna sandwich and an iced tea worked perfectly!

I'm gonna save the train station shots for future blogs.

Be well everybody!


Inlagt 2016-06-27 13:32 | Läst 2527 ggr. | Permalink

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