I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor

Persongalleriet #620: Istanbul Up Close, Pt 2

March 12th, 2016.
Since this is a part two, of course there has to be a part one! You can find it here.
As I wrote last time, this series is of course about coming close. But just as much, it's about the light!

This one illustrates the light pretty well. It is backlit, you can see the edge of the sun in the top middle of the picture. But the harsh reflected sunlight, from the building right behind me, does a pretty good job impersonating a fill-in flash!  :-)

Be well everybody!


Inlagt 2016-06-01 11:46 | Läst 1387 ggr. | Permalink

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Nämn en färg i den svenska flaggan?