I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor

Persongalleriet #582: More Istanbul Ramblings

March 10th, 2016.
On my own again yesterday, I rambled, after blogging etcetera for the better part of the morning. After a few minutes in "my" neighborhood, I took the tram west to Yusufpaşa to retrace some steps from last year. Couldn't really find the inspiration. Had two cups of çay in an alley and decided to go ride the ferries instead. Walked to Aksaray tram stop and found this:

Rode the tram to Eminönu to catch a ferry. When I got there I felt a hunger pang already, since I had such a late start to the day. I remembered seeing the fish sandwich seller from last year close to Karaköy and decided to walk across Galata bridge to try some! Saw my own shadow as I was walking down the stairs and waited a little while to get something interesting:

At least interesting to me!  :-)

The fish sandwich guy wasn't there today, but I found a simple little restaurant which made a damn good one! Shooting didn't stop just because I was having lunch:

Here's another shot from 50 meters away:

Beyoğlu is the part of central Istanbul where I have found the most graffiti. Here's a shot where I found a "Blue" theme:

Got on the Kadıköy ferry at Karaköy (finally getting the hang of which is which!!!) Walked around for a while getting som quick shots of the passengers. Sat down with the camera in my lap to enjoy the sea view. Looked down at my tiltscreen and found something to shoot a little bit closer than that:

Getting off at Kadıköy there were some police with uzi-like machine guns. Finger on the trigger and all, so I decided to go straight back with the ferry, now to Eminönu. I don't mind police with holstered pistols, but when carrying guns like this, it seems to me a shot could go off at any moment, by mistake or otherwise.

After resting my legs for a while I took the tour of the ferry. A small band was playing the most beautiful music you can imagine!

I talked to them after. Their name is Ateş Band and HERE is their facebook page. They didn't have any record to sell at the moment, but there are some mobile phone videos on there that will give you an idea, although the super talented girl singing and playing flute is not featured in any of them. I also always love a mandolin played so well as this! I shot a short video and will post it later, but I'll first need to convert it to a format youtube accepts.

Found some more geometry I liked on this ferry:

As I was getting off the ferry I saw the people waiting to get on behind closed doors. Then I saw the reflection.

As I was buying some simit for a simple dinner in my room, these two young women started chatting me up. Of course I asked to get a picture, with simit and all!

This was turning out to be a it of a geometry day and I found one more shot like that before calling it a day:

Be well, everybody!


Inlagt 2016-03-11 10:10 | Läst 2596 ggr. | Permalink

(visas ej)

Hur mycket är tre plus två?
Skriv svaret med bokstäver
Du verkar verkligen ha en pangresa. Ser väldigt skönt och gemytligt ut. FÖrsta bilden var riktigt läcker med kvinnans röda hår!
Ha en bra helg!
Svar från niiiik 2016-03-11 20:25
Jo det är toppen, så även vädret! Sol och lagom varmt för intensivt fotande. Passar perfekt med skjorta och jeans.
Tack, Micke!
Trevlig helg, du med!
Så du är där igen är det väl eller hur.
Alltid spännande för mig se bilder därifrån för dig
kommer jag aldrig...där måste helt klart hända mycket
hela tiden för allt är så annorlunda i detta land.
Ha det gott
Svar från niiiik 2016-03-11 23:06
Jo, det är andra gången. Och inför denna resa har jag laddat upp med att visa en del bilder från förra gången. Så jag kan förstå att det flyter ihop lite! :-)
Ha det bra, GIA!