Persongalleriet #415: Gatufotoworkshop med mera
Det händer en hel del i Umeås gatufotoliv just nu. Vi (mest Kicki Mannberg) har fått nytt liv i facebookgruppen Umeå Gatufoto genom en enkel tävling med temat trappor som pågår fram till 31/5. Låter det kul? Gå med i gruppen och skicka in ett bidrag, vetja! Man behöver inte vara från Umeå!
Den 23/5 kör Umeå gatufoto en fotopromenad, som verkar samla ett drygt 10-tal. Eller kanske fler?
Den 30/5 är det då dags för Planket Umeå, med några gatufotografer bland de 50 utställarna (kan bli 70 ifall arrangörerna lyckas få fram mer pengar). Till exempel jag själv och Kicki.
Tur att det är långhelg nu, så att jag får tid att planera den gatufotoworkshop jag blivit ombedd att hålla i samband med Planket. Har just dragit igång den processen...förutom att pågått inne i mitt huvud sedan jag fick frågan. ;-)
Några bilder också, denna gång från Lissabon:
Ha en fin långhelg, alla!
Persongalleriet #402: In Lisbon with José
Sunday 19th of April.
On this day, I was lucky enough to meet the Portuguese photographer José Calheiros. In the morning José met up at my hotel and we started a long photo walk, with some drives in between, where I got to see and feel just a little bit of José's skills as a driver. It was great getting to know him as we walked and talked in a part of old Lisbon where the Castle looms above.
After a while we came down to the river and went into a refurbished ferry terminal to find a modern environment as a contrast to the old town.
Here's José with some halucinogenic tile patterns in the ceiling.
We walked through central Lisbon towards where José had parked his car.
After reaching Josés sporty beamer, he took us on a detour to a fantastic train station: Estação do Oriente. Beautiful, modern architecture, just about tailor made for street photography!
Thanks, José, for pointing out this spot for me! :-)
The day continued, but I'll stop here for today!
Be well, everybody! :-)
Persongalleriet #399: Lisbon, day 2
Yesterday was spent on a 5 and a half hour photo walk through some nice central areas of Lisbon. Here are just a few of the shots I managed to gather.
The Blues.
At the Bus Stop.
Praca Restauradores.
At the Ferry Station.
The Train Station: Estação do Cais do Sodré.
Those tiled pillars were so nice, so here's one more!
Bye for now!
Persongalleriet #397: The Live Blog Moves to Lisbon
So what if I'm three days behind in my Istanbul report! To keep the live blog live, I'll just skip those days for now and show you what I shot this evening in Lisbon.
Finished off in b&w in an otherwise colourful collection!
Sleep tight, everybody!