
I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor

Persongalleriet #406: Svartvita betraktelser från Amsterdam

Efter en knapp månads uppehåll i Amsterdamrapporteringen, som förstås beror på min aprilresa, så återkommer jag här med lite svartvitt som jag inte riktigt vet hur jag ska klassificera. Inte gatufoto, men kanske cityscapes. I vissa fall i form av små detaljer ur stadsbilden.
De här bilderna är tagna i början av mars under mitt sportlovsbesök.

Slut för idag!


Postat 2015-05-05 06:37 | Läst 2034 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (2) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #405: Istanbuls gator i färg

Bilderna är från den 15/4, min andra dag med Alphan Yilmazmaden på Istanbuls gator. Alla dessa är tagna i närheten av Kryddmarknaden.

Slut för idag!


Postat 2015-05-04 11:29 | Läst 2249 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (4) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #404: Paret och spionen

Istanbul, 15/4 2015.


Postat 2015-05-03 23:18 | Läst 1725 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (5) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #403: The Live Blog That Died

Or maybe it's more like it fell asleep. Because here I am, back to blogging again. I'm back at home in Umeå, Sweden, after a trip home that was a little bit longer and more complicated than originally planned. And it's that trip home that is the reason for my letting the blog go asleep.

What happened is that the Portuguese airline TAP announced a pilot's strike from the 1st of May to the 10th. We were scheduled to fly with them on the 1st.  The information they gave was very limited and it was just because of the good help from our travel agent in Monte Gordo, Portugal, where we were staying, that we any information at all reached us. Being responsible for a group of 36 people, made it my job to secure new last minute flight bookings for everybody. It was a process of several steps and took the major part of four days. No time for blogging...  ;-) 

Well, here are a number of shots from the last leg of my April journey, from the training camp in Monte Gordo.



My colleagues and traveling friends: Hans and Jan.








Karolina, Minna and Anna.

Malin, Amanda, Frida and Anna.

Tomorrow, I'll be back in Istanbul. Or at least my pictures will.  ;-)


Postat 2015-05-02 15:09 | Läst 2701 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (4) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #402: In Lisbon with José

Sunday 19th of April.
On this day, I was lucky enough to meet the Portuguese photographer José Calheiros. In the morning José met up at my hotel and we started a long photo walk, with some drives in between, where I got to see and feel just a little bit of José's skills as a driver. It was great getting to know him as we walked and talked in a part of old Lisbon where the Castle looms above.

After a while we came down to the river and went into a refurbished ferry terminal to find a modern environment as a contrast to the old town.

Here's José with some halucinogenic tile patterns in the ceiling.

We walked through central Lisbon towards where José had parked his car.

After reaching Josés sporty beamer, he took us on a detour to a fantastic train station: Estação do Oriente. Beautiful, modern architecture, just about tailor made for street photography!

Thanks, José, for pointing out this spot for me!  :-)

The day continued, but I'll stop here for today!

Be well, everybody!  :-)


Postat 2015-04-23 23:39 | Läst 4288 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (7) | Kommentera
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