
I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor

Persongalleriet #576: The Cloth Seller Revisited

Istanbul, March 5th, 2016.
I brought Alphan and Zia with me down a steep hill in "my" part of the city to meet a man who last April asked me to take his portrait (through sign language, since he didn't speak any English). He gave me his shop's card, so I could send the pictures, I guessed. I wrote about this experience in my blog here (sorry, in Swedish...). My plan was to send him pictures, but as I have a tendency to postpone things I still hadn't gotten around to it when it was time for me to go on this trip. Well, I put my printer to work and did some A4 copies for him.

It was good to have Alphan with me as he could translate and I could hear what he thought of the picture. Alphan says he remembered me well, liked the portrait and was happy to receive the copies!

Be well, everybody!


Postat 2016-03-07 12:01 | Läst 1955 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (3) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #575: Live Blog from Istanbul, Day 2

Today was a nice warm day with some sun, mostly the hazy kind. I spent the morning lightrooming and writing the previous blog post. I didn't get out on the streets until about noon. As I was closing the window before leaving the hotel room, I noticed two men arguing in the street right outside. Walking down the stairs I made my camera ready and shot this as I stepped out of the hotel:

Off to a decent start, I think!  :-)

I didn't really have a plan and walked randomly in some favourite blocks near the hotel. I got some shots of dogs yesterday, but today was more of a cat day.

The Beggar.

I walked downhill through some deserted alleys near the Grand Bazaar, but as I got nearer the Spice Market the streets began to fill up.

Daddy & His Girls.

I followed a street I hadn't walked before and ended up outside Sirkeci train station. I went in to see if "my" cats from last year were still there. Saw this one residing over the old engine outside.

Top Cat.

Of course, there were more cats inside. Here's one:

The Cigarette (II).

Walking down the Quai, I decided on a whim to go to Kadıköy with the ferry. Last year I only went on one return ferry ride and thinking about this trip, I had made up my mind to do it more this time around.

Yellow Love.

Arrived at Kadıköy.

Took a long walk along the waterfront, an aspect of Kadıköy I hadn't realized before. But this was a Sunday and lots of people were enjoying the sea views.


Back at the Ferry Terminal.

Ferry to Eminönu.

Once at Eminönu it is of course impossible not too shoot some more, even though the body aches and the belly is empty.

Galata Selfie.

Dinner was a chicken dürüm wrap and a banana.

Be well, everybody!


Postat 2016-03-06 20:42 | Läst 2818 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (2) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #574: Back in Istanbul, Day 1

Eleven hours of pure street photography fun!

I met up with Canadian street wiz Zia Kareem at nine at his hotel, which was quite close to the Blue Mosque. His daughter also joined us and we had a good chat. A coffee and çay later and Alphan Yilmazmaden also arrived and we could get started with a photo walk of epic proportions!  :-)

Alphan, Fuji, Zia and Sony at the start of the day!

Shooting has begun! Taking pictures, talking, watching the others as they inspiring!  :-)

Dogs on the Tracks.
We started off going west along those tracks towards the Grand Bazaar.

The guys going about their business.

Young Man & Oranges.

Alphan and Bread.
We did a short detour (I'll get back to the reason for that in a later blog post) in the area close to my hotel, situated across the tram tracks from the south entrance to the Grand Bazaar.

After that we decided to go to the roman aqueduct and the butcher's district, where I had such a good time last year. To get there we walked through the University area.

Istanbul dogs are free to roam the streets.

Butcher's District: Zia and the Smiling Sheep Heads.

Street Photography at its best!'s got both Alphan AND Zia in it!   :-)  :-)

We walked down the hill towards Eminönu (the epicenter of the world of street photography, if you ask me!). Walked through som crowded, very crowded and completely-packed-until-nobody-could-move-crowded alleys to get there.

Happy on a Blue Bike.
This alley was just crowded.

Here's a shot from the very crowded alley.

This is from when it got REALLY crowded.

Finally at Eminönu, we had some glorious shooting!

Yes! That is Brother Alphan in the background!

Of course, after all this we needed some coffee and çay and a debriefing, looking a little at what we got.

And, of course, there is a LOT more to show and tell about this day. I will do that in future blogs here at and in journals at

Just one more picture for the road!

Be well everybody!


Postat 2016-03-06 11:22 | Läst 2292 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #573: Åker till Istanbul idag

On the road again...
Idag blir en resdag, men redan i morgon bör kunna bli en bra fotodag! Har stämt träff med gatufotograferna Ziaul Kareem och Alphan Yilmazmaden för samtal och photo-walk tillsammans under lördagen. Det här är killar jag lärt känna i gatufotohörnet av gigantiska konstsajten Ziaul blir en ny bekantskap, han råkade befinna sig i Istanbul samtidigt som jag, vilket vi upptäckte genom gemensamma vännen Alphan. Alphan som jag hade två fantastiska fotodagar tillsammans med ifjol.

Reser på egen hand den här gången, vilket tidigare har betytt live-blogg och så hade jag tänkt göra även denna resa! Live-bloggen blir på engelska, så att även alla mina utländska fotovänner kan hänga med. Räknar kallt med att ni svenskar fotosidan kan hänga med också, om ni vill!  :-)

Hoppas på fler såna här stunder med Alphan och kamerorna!

Får se om vädret kommer att erbjuda fler möjligheter till den här sortens bilder eller om det bara blir sol och fint?

Längtar efter vyerna!

Och färjorna!

Även om det som vanligt blir gatufotot som kommer att stå i centrum!

Ha det gott, alla!


Postat 2016-03-04 07:30 | Läst 2524 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (2) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #572: En mångfacetterad värld

Istanbul, april 2015.

Ha det gott, alla!


Postat 2016-03-02 07:09 | Läst 1781 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (3) | Kommentera
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