196 Photoshop CS3
leverades idag till mig av UPS. Tack var kursen på Högskolan i Jönköping fick jag köpa en student licens till ett helt OK pris.
När jag får en verksamhet som gör att jag får betalt för mina bilder så kommer jag att köpa en fullständig licens.
Tills dess är jag studerande :-).
Så nu skall jag prova funktioner och köra kursen. Har även införskaffat Scott Kelbys Bok om PSCS3. Någon som vill köpa motsvarande bok för Photoshop CS på Svenska? Maila mig.
God natt
194 Just a portrait

My friend Daniel at our Photoexhibition this shot was made with my Dogma07 equipment. Olympus Om1, Zuiko 50mm f:1,8 and Kodak Tri-X.
193 Macro
Today I tried my new 5 in 1 reflector on some macro shots on some tulips.
I also had a red rose
I find Red is a difficult color in digital photography.
192 The city is a changing Street photography?
These pictures were all taken with a Canon Ixus 860 IS, ISO 80, 1/30 s and f=2,8.
I have reset levels and used the burn tool to darken the sky a bit.
The old postterminal is being torn down for a new hotel
Another building being demolished. I think it was an office building.
The new Clairioin Hotel Sign. This is the backside.
The new Swedish Post Services HQ is often compared to a beached Baltic Sea Ferry.
This new hotel reminds me of some kind of ship too.