
Diverse bilder från min vardag och lite annat. All photographs in this blog © Bengt Gustafsson, Bengts Bilder.

Stockholm Photomarathon 2007

A 24 pictures in 24 hours competition. I was most pleased with this shot on the theme "Alone"

It would have been even better on the theme "Waiting" but since we had to illustrate the themes in the order they were given I could not change the order of my pictures.

Postat 2007-08-30 22:26 | Läst 13311 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (1) | Kommentera

Personal questions?

I have been asked by some people to write a little more about myself and my background.
My ambition with this blog is to share my pictures and perhaps gain the interest of people who like my style of photography.
Maybe even someone who would like to buy a picture. (Just send me an e-mail)

So for now I'm not going to expose myself more than I have so far. Who knows what the future will bring?

Have a great day.
Todays picture: Maria Magdalena Church, Stockholm


Postat 2007-08-28 21:31 | Läst 13072 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera

New York View

From my New York visit in the beginining of june 2007.
Postat 2007-08-29 20:27 | Läst 13990 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (1) | Kommentera


Just som insect and flowers. 

Pretty on pink?

Tigerlily in Swedish, I don´t know the English name

I liked the colors

Postat 2007-08-28 20:29 | Läst 14516 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera

BengtsBilder now in English

As I have friends who do not read Swedish I decided to write in Englisg instead.
I and all my Swedish friends get to practice our English and my friends abroad can understand the comments I make to my pictures.

the models name is  Emilie, the shawl has been knitted by my wife. (

Postat 2007-08-27 21:56 | Läst 15281 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (3) | Kommentera
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