Användarnamn: kellys0000
Ålder: 38 år
Bor: Jämtlands län (visa på kartan)
Kategori: Fotostuderande
Började fotografera: 2005
Medlem sedan: 2007-09-13
Senast inloggad:
Ålder: 38 år
Bor: Jämtlands län (visa på kartan)
Kategori: Fotostuderande
Började fotografera: 2005
Medlem sedan: 2007-09-13
Senast inloggad:
Hello friends, my name is Kelly. I'm from Key West Florida and am half Swedish/half American.
I started photography (for more than documentation of my happenings with my cheap camera) in 2005 when I signed up for a black and white photography course in college in the states. Little did I know... "I had an eye for composition" (according to my teacher) and I felt at home in the darkroom. I signed up for photo 2 the next semester and decided this was what I wanted to do for a living.
Now I am living in Östersund Sweden, going to Birka Folkhögskola studying media and getting ready to apply for uni in 2008.
I'm applying to Göteborg Universitets Högskola för Fotografi which only accept 15 student per year. Wish me luck!!!
Otherthan photography my interests are...
ping-pong, my iPod, being lazy, eating food, traveling, learning new languages, snorkeling, and being KRAZY!
Vem är jag?
Mina intressen:
Gatufoto, Nattbild, Macro, Mode, Posering, Svart-vitt, Mörkrum, Arkitektur
Min största inspiration:
Jag fikar helst:
i ett annat land.
I kameraväskan har jag alltid:
glömt någonting.