
Stora tråden om hackade Canonkameror

Känns som 5D är så gott som färdig nu då han som jobbat med koden nu lämnar tillbaks sin kamera.

New stuff:
- DOF bracketing ( )
- Flash bracketing (not tested, I don't have a flash)
- press DirectPrint to toggle MLU
- RGB zebras and histogram
- Display saturation (including grayscale preview - if you use UniWB, for example)
- Exposure adjustment in playback mode (rough approximation)

* Complete feature list:
- zebras, focus peaking, spotmeter, histogram, waveform, vectorscope (in playback mode)
- exposure bracketing: shutter, ISO, flash; 2x0.5 ... 9x5EV; auto mode (covers the entire dynamic range).
- DOF bracketing (changes aperture and shutter while keeping exposure constant)
- Intervalometer
- Mirror lockup (shortcut key, or link to self-timer)
- Flash exposure compensation (-10...+3EV) - not tested
- Flash / no flash (like in fuji 6500) - not tested
- Display saturation (grayscale/normal/oversaturated)
- Fast zoom (one click goes to 100%, like on 5D3/1Dx)
- Quick erase (like on 5D3)
- "Ken Rockwell" zoom (press Zoom In after you took a picture, without pressing PLAY)
- Exposure adjustment in playback mode (very rough)
- Timelapse playback -
- In-camera help (press INFO)
- Benchmark (check read/write speed of the card)
- Display operating system internals (tasks, free memory)
Full resolution silent picture är nu släppt till kamerorna.

Timelapse med en spegelreflexkamera utan att slita på slutare och spegel.

- You can't do short exposures (please don't complain about overexposure).
- Minimum exposure time (when you set Canon shutter to 1/4000 or 1/8000) is actually a gradient (timing analysis here). For example, 5D3 can get 1/33.19 at the top of the frame and 1/6.30 at the bottom.
- 500D, 550D and 600D can't take exposures longer than 0.8 seconds

- No support for 1100D yet.
- All other cameras can take exposures up to 15 seconds.

Usage tips:
- To set aperture, you must enable Expo Override (or use a manual lens).
- ETTR works best together with intervalometer: use the "Always On" option, and close the aperture enough (or use ND filters), as much as you need to get exposure times above 0.5 seconds (otherwise the result may be impossible to deflicker with current tools).

General notes:
- Image is captured in the same way as a regular picture, but without shutter movement, and it's saved as DNG/MLV, not CR2/JPG.
- You should go to LiveView in order to open the shutter. However, during a silent capture (or during a silent timelapse), LiveView is paused.

Some things on the waiting list (research doesn't stop here) :
- luminance trigger (e.g. for lightning)
- 30-second exposures (there is a semaphore that times out at 20 seconds, can be patched)
- dark and bias frames, for astrophotography (exposures with shutter closed)
- composite long exposures (e.g. average 1-second frames), which could improve dynamic range, temporal aliasing, erase moving subjects and other crazy things like that (backend: EekoAddRawPath)
- and (unicorn at the moment): driving the sensor in rolling shutter mode, to achieve fast exposure times (as in LiveView)

Har tidigare med gott resultat använt den lågupplösta silent picture tillsammans med bolt trigger för att fotografera blixtar. Alla bilder blir inte hela, men 90% blev förra sommaren.

Bilden uppe till höger är ett exempel på en halv blixt. Vet inte hur mycket kameran pallar med att spela in nu när varje fil inte längre är 3,5 MB.

Vill man inte hålla på med Magic lantern kan man stå manuellt med en fjärrutlösare eller så kan man köpa en sådan här:


  • Namnlös.jpg
    29.9 KB · Visningar: 54
Senast ändrad:
Canon EOS M50 fungerar nu med Magic Lantern. Skrivhastighet ser ut att vara minst 80MB/s men det kan vara kortet som är den begränsande faktorn i fallet. Äger själv ingen M50 (bara M5 som kör Powershot-firmware) så jag kan ej testa med mina Sandisk 95-kort.
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