
Photozone testar cz16-80 + A700

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Verifierar vad som redan sagts av andra. "... obvious choice for enthusiasts and beyond.", motsägs av det mer nyktra "... generally stunning MTF figures matching or beating many standard zooms out there.". Inte ett enda ord om hur den står sig mot G-zoomarna. Förmodligen ganska slätt, när de högsta MTF-värdena uppnåtts redan på största öppningen.

Mitt intresse för 16-80ZA är lika svalt som det varit - välvilligt ointresserad.

Assuming a good sample the Zeiss ZA 16-80mm f/3.5-4.5 DT is surely a desirable lens. The primary design objective was obviously to maximize resolution because this is where the lens shines with generally stunning MTF figures matching or beating many standard zooms out there. However, there're also downsides. At 16mm vignetting is a problem at f/3.5 and the level of CAs and barrel distortions is very high. At around 700€/US$ the lens resides somewhere between the typical consumer and pro grade zooms. Some may have hoped for a metal construction but truth is that most other standard zooms in this price league have also plastic bodies. The mechanical quality is decent with tight tolerances but nothing to rave about. In Sony Alpha mount the lens remains an obvious choice for enthusiasts and beyond.
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