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Pentax day

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Låter trevligt visste inte att det fanns en Pentax Day men det passar ju bra att testa nya gluggen då och se hur den funkar ;-)

Någon som är medlem på det forum det länkas till kanske kan kopiera in infon här så kan vi som inte är det läsa också?!

Hmmm.. omogna sturuntskrivare finns det på alla forum undrar vad man ska göra för att slippa dem?!
Men bara ignorera dumhet så slipper man bli trött på det.
Ursäkta mig, visste inte att sidan krävde inloggning. För att registrera bilder kommer ni iofs behöva inlogning i alla fall...

February 27th, 2011- Pentaxium: World Pentax Day
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Posted By: Adam, 02-06-11, 09:04 AM (Offline)
Calling all Pentax camera users: we want your photographs from before dawn to after dusk on the next Pentax World Day: Sunday, February 27th, 2011. Submit photos to our gallery to show your Pentax spirit and to share something special from your part of the world! The only restrictions are as follows:

1. Although you may submit entries at any time, the photo must be taken on Pentax Day (February, 27th, 2011), between midnight and midnight your time. Please leave all EXIF information intact. You may submit up to three photos.

2. The photo must be taken with a Pentax camera.

3. The photo should be no larger than 1Mb in filesize.

4. The photo should be submitted to the world Pentax day event category within our user photo gallery. Click the "Upload" link located in the navbar to add your photo. You must be logged in. You will be able to upload between 2/27/2011 and 3/14/2011. After this period, only viewing will be allowed for this category.

Help us chronicle this day in the the life of Pentaxians from all corners of the world. Astound us with your film-like imaging, your freedom from camera shake, and your sharp, contrasty lenses!

If you experience any trouble uploading photos, please make sure you've selected the correct gallery category first, then post here if you need help.

Help us make this day a Pentax Day! I will send this message as an e-mail notification to interested forum members as we near the commencement of the event.

Köp en spegellös systemkamera från Canon och få ett 50mm objektiv på köpet hos Götaplatsens Foto.