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Microscopy and Nikon

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Avslutat medlemskap
Microscopy and Nikon

Is there anybody who tried to use a Nikon dig slr
together with a microscop ?

a) Is there connecting parts - tube and
___eventually relay-lens ?

b) Is it possible to focus via a live picture
___on a TV-Monitor in real time. (By USB and
___computer/software) ?

c) Know any other way to obtain digital slides
___with the possibility to focus in real time
___on an ext. Monitor ?

Yours Bengt W
warleby skrev:
Microscopy and Nikon

Is there anybody who tried to use a Nikon dig slr
together with a microscop ?

a) Is there connecting parts - tube and
___eventually relay-lens ?

b) Is it possible to focus via a live picture
___on a TV-Monitor in real time. (By USB and
___computer/software) ?

c) Know any other way to obtain digital slides
___with the possibility to focus in real time
___on an ext. Monitor ?

Yours Bengt W

Your "B" is impossible since there is a mirror in the way of the sensor, as in all digital SLR's. You have to look thru the viewfinder.
A) Yes there are adapters available for NIkon dslrs. If you're still interested please contact me and I'll look for the address. Price runs around 600 Euro

B) Is not possible, but you can run the camera thorugh Nikon capture and take several shots and focus after each shot.

C) There are several ways, everything from a CCD camera to ba digital video camera - all depends on your euipment and your wallet! Tell me what you got and I can tell you what you can get (I have 10 years of experience with this so I might be able to help you)

Götaplatsens foto – en riktig fotobutik.