Aktiv medlem
Skickade några förslag till modifieringar av firmwaren till K10D till pentax international. Va ju trevligt att få svar...
Nu kan man ju bara hoppas att japanerna i pentax head quarters lyssnar.
Vad tror ni? Lyssnar tillverkare till sina kunder egentligen?
(Om pentax kommer med en ny firmware om tre veckor med alla de här grejjorna tillrättade...ja då jävlar...)
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thanks for taking the time to state your praise and concerns for pentax.
Thank you for contacting Pentax.
If you are in need of further assistance, please respond to this email or call
our technical support center at 800-877-0155.
Timothy Fig
Pentax Imaging Technical Support
Your Email:
Your engineers have done well with the new K10D. I
certainly hope that pentax will be back with the big players again and Iam quite
happy that I chose the pentax system.
However, there are some minor issues with the camera - and almost all ofthem can
be corrected with a new firmware. I don't know if you have thehabit of listening
to the users of your products, but if you do it wouldbe nice if you could
transmit this mail to your engineers back in japan..
Firmware modifications:
1. Let the user be able to use the flash for AF assist WITHOUT firing theflash.
As it is now the flash is always fired once it's up. If you are
focussing when it's dark but do not want to use the flash you have to
press the focus lock button first, then lower the flash, then take the
2. Let the user be able to give the raw button any other function, for
example white balance or mirror lockup.
3. To let the user choose when and how he wants to use shake reduction andmirror
lockup. As it is now the only way to have mirror lockup is to usethe 2s delay
and with the SR automatically disconnected. So the camera cannot cope with the
following situations:
-You handhold the camera and use the 2s delay to avoid movements
associated with pushing the shutter button. Here you very much would liketo have
the SR on. But it's "off" by default...
-You want to pinpoint the exact moment to push the shutter button and
still use mirror lock up. As it is now you have to anticipate the momentwhen you
want to take the photo by two seconds. It should be possible tomaintain the
mirror in locked position and then chose the exact moment totake the picture.
This is especially coherent if you use a cable release.
4. When you press the raw button you are only shooting raw until you viewa photo
on the screen, then it switches back to jpeg mode. Therefore itoften happens
that you believe that you shoot raw, but in reality the
camera has already gone back to jpeg. It would be better if you were
shooting raw as long as the camera is "ON".
best regards
Nu kan man ju bara hoppas att japanerna i pentax head quarters lyssnar.
Vad tror ni? Lyssnar tillverkare till sina kunder egentligen?
(Om pentax kommer med en ny firmware om tre veckor med alla de här grejjorna tillrättade...ja då jävlar...)
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thanks for taking the time to state your praise and concerns for pentax.
Thank you for contacting Pentax.
If you are in need of further assistance, please respond to this email or call
our technical support center at 800-877-0155.
Timothy Fig
Pentax Imaging Technical Support
Your Email:
Your engineers have done well with the new K10D. I
certainly hope that pentax will be back with the big players again and Iam quite
happy that I chose the pentax system.
However, there are some minor issues with the camera - and almost all ofthem can
be corrected with a new firmware. I don't know if you have thehabit of listening
to the users of your products, but if you do it wouldbe nice if you could
transmit this mail to your engineers back in japan..
Firmware modifications:
1. Let the user be able to use the flash for AF assist WITHOUT firing theflash.
As it is now the flash is always fired once it's up. If you are
focussing when it's dark but do not want to use the flash you have to
press the focus lock button first, then lower the flash, then take the
2. Let the user be able to give the raw button any other function, for
example white balance or mirror lockup.
3. To let the user choose when and how he wants to use shake reduction andmirror
lockup. As it is now the only way to have mirror lockup is to usethe 2s delay
and with the SR automatically disconnected. So the camera cannot cope with the
following situations:
-You handhold the camera and use the 2s delay to avoid movements
associated with pushing the shutter button. Here you very much would liketo have
the SR on. But it's "off" by default...
-You want to pinpoint the exact moment to push the shutter button and
still use mirror lock up. As it is now you have to anticipate the momentwhen you
want to take the photo by two seconds. It should be possible tomaintain the
mirror in locked position and then chose the exact moment totake the picture.
This is especially coherent if you use a cable release.
4. When you press the raw button you are only shooting raw until you viewa photo
on the screen, then it switches back to jpeg mode. Therefore itoften happens
that you believe that you shoot raw, but in reality the
camera has already gone back to jpeg. It would be better if you were
shooting raw as long as the camera is "ON".
best regards