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HIttade lite lösa rykten om Sonys eventuella planer.
Skall nog tas med en nypa salt (stor sådan) men det är ju kul att något över huvudtaget cirkulerar runt........just nu känns det lite si och så med om man skall stanna kvar på skeppet......Pentax K10 ser ju rätt trevlig ut ha ha.

Nåja....här är vad som står, och jag tar bara dom intresantaste inlägn.


This is not to start a rumor mill or stir a controversy, so please take this post with a grain of salt that it might be purely just a speculation. But, I ran across a couple of posts on Korean DSLR community forums (; from some members (more than one) regarding the upcoming Sony DSLRs. They were from the current A100 owners who attended the A100 Seminar and the following social event, hosted by Sony Korea.

Below is the translation of the post:

I was fortunate enough to attend the social (drinking) event following the A100 Seminar, and heard some startling news regarding new dslrs from Sony – I sensed that they (Sony Korea reps) were wanting me to spread this news (call it a speculation). According to the Sony Korea representatives present at the social event, there will be two new dslrs, a successor to 7D and a successor to A100, in the imminent future – to use a direct quote from the post, “Sony has two new dslrs to be unveiled in near future, and Minolta engineers are working feverishly to fine-tune the cameras. One will be a successor to 7D, which was developed while benchmarking the Canon 5D, but it will be priced less and will surpass the image quality of 5D (suggesting that it will be a full-framed camera, but they never confirmed that it is), and Minolta engineers swear by it. The other will be a successor to the A100, and it will have very attractive looks, more in line with Sony styling, enough to lure many female users into the dslr arena. It’s only a matter of when to release these dslrs.”

Now, if Sony release a full framed dslr in near future, I am staying with Sony for good -- I was on the verge of jumping to the Pentax K10D.


I heard the same stateside today from a shop in Northern Minnesota. I was suprized I hadn't heard anything here first.

The shop owner said Sony had told him it would be very shortly after photokina and be about 14 megapixels.

Being my second body had to be returned, I think I will wait to get the 7D replacement instead of another 7D. Of course that WAS the plan since day one, but this whole Sony thing threw a wrench in it for me. I am tired and nervous from waiting!


lol,… no, I am not KMSEA -- unlike KMSEA, I never claimed to be involved with Sony/KM. But, seriously…., in all fairness to KMSEA, it is also plausible that there might have been a 7D successor, which never had a chance to be unveiled.

An excerpt from the article by Herbert Keppler reads, “....when in Japan last December, I inquired of KM’s president about the sensational new KM DSLR being developed at KM’s Sakai Technical Center. He smiled and said, “If you can be back at Sakai next May we might be able to show it to you.” With KM relinquishing its DSLR photo business, the visit was not to happen, but I fully believe that the camera exists and with proper Sony additions should find its way to Photokina.”

In any event, we will see whether Sony has anything hidden under its sleeves soon….

Ja det blev lite text ha ha......och det skall väl tas lätt som sagt.
Men det kanske är värt att vänta ett tag till då, hoppas bara efterträdaren till 7D är vädertätat, annars tappar dom nog en hel del till bla pentax.

Hoppas både att det är rätt och fel, är det rätt så är det ju schysst som fan med en FF ála 5D, men ojoj oj vilken extrem måste-ha-den-faktor :p
Här kommer lite mer info från en på Dp som varit där och pratat med folk.

> Hey David,
> thanks for your first impressions. I hope you could enjoy Papa Joes
> (Klimperkasten or Streckstrump) and the Gaffel beer, which is one
> of the top four beers (named Koelsch) in my hometown Cologne.
> In a german digicam forum I've read the comment of a user, that in
> the press conference Sony has hinted at the forthcoming (coming
> soon) cams A10 and A1 and at their goal to become No.1 in the
> market. Can you confirm that?

Paul would not be drawn on the issue of full sensors, but said 'Canon owns the full frame marketplace, and Sony intends to compete with Canon on all levels' - draw your own conclusions.

Had Landsjägerwurst with gherkin and mustard at Papa Joes. Just having a Gaffel and an apfeltorte at the press room now.

SSM - Sony are confused by this. Believe it or not, the reply was that if they used SSM in regular lenses, it would devalue the existing SSM lenses. I put Paul right on this. He asked me specify exactly what SSM lenses would keep people happy, since the 16-80mm Zeiss is definitely not to be SSM, and the reason for the delay is that advance orders exceeded production capacity planned - they have therefore put back the sale date, and replanned the production facility, for a greater number of lenses. The A100 has exceeded all targets and there is now a lens shortage despite their decision to go ahead immediately with revisions of old Minolta designs in order to ensure there was NO shortage.

We talked this through, and he will be passing my message on re: a superior 18-70mm lens, priced like the Nikon Silent Wave 3.5-4.5, similar to the 24-105mm in build, with SSM; a new version of the 100-300mm APO (D) with SSM. I said that if they just made those two it would solve the black hole situation.

Apparently the noise issue which bugs people here is invisible in terms of feedback from sales. It is not an issue. But they are aware of the difference between the A100 and some other cameras.

Hela tråden (lååååååååång) är här.

Så vad har ni för förhoppningar och förväntningar inför kommande modeller? och vad tror ni Sony kommer attt göra?

Blir det en ny "7D" och en "9D", eller blir det en ny modell under A100 för att sälja till den breda "kompakt" massan?

Själv hoppas jag på det första...dvs en ny 7´a och en 9´a (ja så man har något att drömma efter)
Båda för gärna vara vädertätade och ha 5 fps eller mer.

Och så hoppas jag att Sony gör om vertikalgreppet så att det är som på dom analoga....och som nu även på bla Pentax K10.
Dvs att man kan ha ett batteri i huset samtidigt som man har batteri i vertilagreppet....och inte som på gammla 7D att vertikalgreppet går upp i huset.
Och så får vertikalgreppen gärna kunna ta vanliga batterier med, det är lättare att få tag i sådana om strömmen tar slut än att hitta laddningsmöjligheter och ha tod att ladda framför allt.

En sak som många användare av A100 klagar på är att Sony inte lyssnat på kritik från 5D användare av avsaknaden av ett VG till den.
Canon har ju till alla sina modeller, och Nikon lärde sin läxa från D70 till D80.
Så många tycker det är dåligt at det inte finns ett till A100, ja ett officiellt alltså.

Nåja, är väl bara att hänga kvar en stund till, men händer det inga bra nyheter till våren så ser K10 väldigt lockande ut....eller en beggad 7D : )

Ascona75 skrev:
Och så hoppas jag att Sony gör om vertikalgreppet så att det är som på dom analoga....och som nu även på bla Pentax K10.
Dvs att man kan ha ett batteri i huset samtidigt som man har batteri i vertilagreppet....och inte som på gammla 7D att vertikalgreppet går upp i huset.
Och så får vertikalgreppen gärna kunna ta vanliga batterier med, det är lättare att få tag i sådana om strömmen tar slut än att hitta laddningsmöjligheter och ha tod att ladda framför allt.

Vore bra med ett VC-7 ungefär, gärna lite större grepp, men INTE som Canons/Pentax vertikalgrepp som inte är något riktigt grepp utan bara en låda med en knapp uppe vid kortsidan.

Dom får gärna ha Eyestart med sensorer i greppet och sökaren.

Förbättrad blixt, mer som 7/9, inte som 5D/7D.

Ergonomi i 7/7D-klass.

Mer och billigare optik med SSM (100-300 4.5-5.6 APO (D) SSM skulle rocka!)

Mer optik öht, en billig 400 5.6 vore trevligt.

Sänkta priser!

Det är väl vad jag vill ha typ :)
Vill ha;

Större sensor
Större dymaniskt omfång
Lägre egenbrus
Lägre inducerat brus
Rimligare prissättning
Utökat, och bakåtkompatibelt, tillbehörsprogram

Fler pixlar är ointressant
Re: Vill ha;

tannler skrev:
Större sensor
Större dymaniskt omfång
Lägre egenbrus
Lägre inducerat brus
Rimligare prissättning
Utökat, och bakåtkompatibelt, tillbehörsprogram

Fler pixlar är ointressant
En 12MPx 24x36 sensor som 5D vore trevligt :)

och sökare som Dynax 7, gärna med dom funktioner från 7 som saknas i 7D.
När jag besökte Sony på Photokinas "hintade" de om en möjlig pro kamera även till oss , objektivutbudet är idag stort. AF gluggarna från Zeiss + "Minoltas/Sony" egna menade den Svenske representanten tyder på att Sonys satsar på en kommande pro SLR. Om kameran skulle innehålla APS stor eller 24 x 36mm stor sensor framgick inte.

(samtidigt är det ett bra sätt att bibehålla intresset för märket, dvs skapa förväntningar)


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Senast ändrad:
Re: Re: Re: Vill ha;

gunte skrev:
Saknar bara dubbelexponering, vad saknas mer ??

möjlighet att se vad ljusmätningen ger i de olika segmenten vid flersegmentsmätning och skärpedjupsinfo i displayen när man har ett D-objektiv monterat (riktigt smart, antar att den räknar på brännvidd, bländare och fokusavstånd).
När kan Sonys nästa kamera tänkas komma?
Något värre än Sony Alpha 100 och 5D/7D?

Har en 5D nu och ser inga anledningar att byta för än något väldigt mycket bättre dyker upp.
Lite fler "rykten" från folk som var på Photokina : )
Detta är väl det som verkar trevligast än så länge.....januari vore ju trevligt!

"I was at Photokina in Koln and I spoke with a Sony rep in the booth. He acknowledged that a "PRO" camera would be forthcoming "soon". I tried to pin him down by suggesting that it might be a PMA in March. He immediately came back with a comment of "oh, sooner than that". This would suggest that 1. they may try to introduce it before Christmas (doubtful), or 2. they may introduce it at the Imaging show in NYC in January. Anyway, it will be here soon.

My questions are more about whether it will have some of the same outstanding ergonomics that the 7D has, and whether it will have a larger sensor. If nothing else, a new sensor with much bettter noise characteristics would be welcome. I hesitate to upgrade to any of the new 10 mpixel cameras, as I feel the companies may have gone too far in terms of packing photosites onto the smaller sensor. It may be that 8 mpixels was the optimum density for APS-C sized sensors. So a full size sensor, at about 1/2 the price of the Canon 5D is on my wish list!"
Nu har det dykt upp fler rykten på dp, denna gång med en intrevu med en ex KM, nu Sony rep.


"There was photo equipment excibition in St.Petersburg, Russia, recently.
The guy from another Minolta board had a conversation with Sony rep.

He confirmed that there will be a new DSLR with cropped sensor (as we all think, it will be replacement for D7D), and probably FF DSLR.

He didn't revealed any exact release dates though.

As we can guess, they'll reveal APC-S camera in March, and FF in the end of the year

Keep fingers crossed, guys!"

Andra inlä intervju.

"Questions and answers of Sony manager at the excibition stands.
sorry for poor translation, English isnt my native.

Will be there a replacement for a D7D?


Will it be released in the next year?

-Yes, we scheduled it for the next yr

Do you have intentions to extend current lens lineup?

-Yes, we planning to extend it. Current lens assortment was limited by manufacturing process (what did he mean,lack of assembling lines?)

Will Sony release lenses, once presented in the Minolta lineup, but discontinued , like 28/2, 53/2, 100/2 ?

-Yes, we plan to extend lens assortment in the medium-priced cateregory.

What's happened with Minolta mnaufacturing facilities?

-Now they all belong to Sony. Also, there are at least 250 Minolta employees who moved to Sony, including me :)

Is the work in Sony different from Minolta? Sony seems to be a more fast-paced company.

-Everything is great. You right about the company

Is it true that Sony took 10% of DSLR market share?

-Even more, with only one DSLR camera model, and modest lens lineup

Do you plan to install SSM to low and medium priced lenses?

-No. SSM will be installed only to big telephoto/zooms. At least for nearest time.

Why? It has many advangates. I enjoyed it on Canon.

-What advantages? Noiseless? that's true. Speed? Canon just can't make a good screw drive :)

Not exactly. The most convenient thing I found in Canon is the ability to directly override AF with a hand (NB: they talk about full time manual focus, available with USM)

-You can do the same with your camera too, and DMF existed since Minolta bodies.

Yes, but it isn't the same. In DMF I can use manual when drive is stopped, but in USM a can do it all the time.

-Yep, you right. But we do not plan to extend SSM to all lens lineup

I checked current prices fot the lenses. They seems to be higher than Minolta versions. 50mm/1.4 became 100$ more expensive.

-Not exactly. Some are higher, but other are not. In the future everything can be changed. Current prices reflect situation with manufacturing - customer demand is very high, and we cannot supply them in large quantity.

So, we can wait and expect to buy the same lences for lower price?

What lenses dropped in price?
-75-300 for example

What about Zeisses? When we will see at the stores?

-As you may already know, 16-80/3.5-4.5 is delayed. 85/1.4 and 135/1.8 will be available soon, in November or December.

What can you say about 85/1.4 and 135/1.8? The MTF graphs puslished in the Internet, looks very impressive.

-Yes, they are very sharp lenses

What about new Zeiss 85mm/1.4 in comparision with Minolta 85mm/1.4?
-Zeiss is sharper

Is it usable for portrait photography?
-Sure. It has very nice and smooth bokeh

There was a rumours about Zeiss 24-70/2.8 zoom. Will it be released?

Could we see it in the next year?
-Could be

No exact dates was promised - due to corporate ethics.
They can't reveal too much information prematurely

But it brings HOPE for Sony/Minolta system users"

Sen hur mycket vikt man skall lägga i det är kanske en annan sak, men nu verkar det som om dom iallafall börjar prata om saker : )

Som vanligt skall väl allt tas med en nypa salt, men här är dom senaste ryktena.

"Today my trusty informer (actually a friend of mine :) has spoken with a Sony marketing manager (don't know if I can reveal his name) who told him something new to me. (Sorry if these are old news).

This is what Sony markenting manager said, nothing groundbreaking but still something:

- the 7D replacement is definitely coming, soon

- 5 new lenses labeled Zeiss will be launched in 2007, zoom and fixed

- Sony lineup will have at least 30 lenses, Zeiss included (so 5? new Sony lenses are coming) next year

- the rumors about the 3D/A-whatever entry level camera could be wrong. He said that the A100 is already an entry level for them. They don't know what they could offer less than A100. (Trying to keep the secret or the second body is a 9D level instead?)

- They will make a professional line in future for sure. They have G glass and Zeiss, Sony want to offer a camera to appreciate their superb quality. Probably not 2 or 3 bodies like Can*n, but at least one for sure. Their target is Nik*n, so they need a professional body to compete with them, but a large enough consumer base is needed before to release it.

Note (from Sony sales representative): The new Sony 11-18/4.5-5.6 could be not just a mere rebadge of the Minolta/Tamron but an updated lens (with less distortion)."

Och vill ni läsa hela tråden så är den på.

hoppas verkligen detta är sant, jag tror många som har 7d nu börjar tvivla på sony och byter till canon/nikon... men, vi får som vanligt vänta och se :) är det någon som har några tankar om vad de två nya CZ gluggarna kan vara? lite roliga spekulationer...
FILM) (philip svensson skrev:
är det någon som har några tankar om vad de två nya CZ gluggarna kan vara?
5 nya var det ju, 85, 135 och 16-80 lanserades ju 2006, även om vissa pga av förseningar inte kommer komma ut i butik förrens 2007.

En av de nya Zeiss-gluggarna lär vara en 24-70/2.8.
hazard skrev:
Zeiss verkar ha sagt att fasta vidvinklar är på gång.

En raktecknande 14mm eller liknande kan ju vara intressant, kanske en cirkulär fisheye, annars finns det ju redan 16mm diagonal fisheye och 20mm raktecknande. En 24 är väl möjlig med.
Brännvidderna dom väljer beror väl lite på om dom tänker fortsätta med APS-C eller inte.
Götaplatsens foto – en riktig fotobutik.