
Konstgjort, eller riktigt blod. i munnen.

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Här lär vara Kissbasisten/sångaren Gene Simmons recept:

Gene Simmons Downhome Stage Blood-
New York City Style

6 eggs, shells and all
1/2 cup Dannon strawberry yogurt
1/3 cup cottage cheese (preferably with pineapples)
4 squirts red food coloring
1/2 cup Aunt Jemima maple syrup (extra thick)
3 heaping tablespoons corn starch

In a two quart saucepan, combine eggs (with shells), yogurt, cottage cheese,
maple syrup and corn starch. Heat over low flame for 15 minutes, stirring
frequently. Add coloring, stir, and cover. Cook for 5 minutes, or until
mixture takes the consistency of phlegm. Makes enough for 2 concerts.

Serving Suggestions:
With bass in hand, drool, spit and slobber all over yourself, flicking
speckles of blood 20 feet into audience with 7-inch tongue.
Ketchup då???

Varför inte helt vanlig ketschup ???
Felix blå vit eller för lyx filmen en Heinz.

ketchup torkar o ser ut som koagulerad ketschup.

Eller har Ketschuipen några andra nackdelar efterssom ingen nämnt det???
JörgenEriksson skrev:
Här lär vara Kissbasisten/sångaren Gene Simmons recept:

Gene Simmons Downhome Stage Blood-
New York City Style

---- snip ---

Serving Suggestions:
With bass in hand, drool, spit and slobber all over yourself, flicking
speckles of blood 20 feet into audience with 7-inch tongue.

Som inbiten Kiss-fan på 80-talet (ok då, lite in på 90-talet också...) kan jag bara säga: "When it comes to blood, Gene is your man". Han är den mest auktoritära blodspottarkällan du kan hitta...


EDIT: --- snip ---
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