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Kodak HIE

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Följande står om IR-film och flygning i Infrared Photography FAQ (

Is infrared film safe to put through baggage scanners at airports?

There are two categories of airport luggage and two different scanning devices used to check the luggage. Hand luggage is taken on board the aircraft with the passenger whereas hold luggage disappears on a luggage chute at the check-in and should arrive at the luggage collection point in the destination airport.

Hand luggage is scanned by a small device as you pass through the gates to the departure lounge. This is a low powered scan and should not affect any of the currently available infrared films. For standard fast films above 800ASA a hand search is recommended. Hand searches have to be very politely requested. Please note that many airports no longer offer hand searches of film. At Heathrow airport in England all film has to be passed through the scanner.

Hold luggage is scanned by a much more powerful device which has the capacity to increase scan power until all objects are penetrated. Do not even consider putting exposed or unexposed film in with your hold luggage as it will be trashed. Lead-lined bags will only result in greater power being applied!

The story doesn't end here. If you are taking film through as hand luggage and the customs peops can't see inside the package with the scanner because you are using a lead-lined or shielded bag, then you will probably have the film hand searched. Trying to persuade an inspector to use a changing bag to open each film container may be difficult if there is a queue of people anxious to board aircraft waiting behind you.... It may make the inspector more suspicious and insist on opening the film without use of the changing bag. They will probably want to pass it through the scanner after inspection anyway!

You may want to try taking the film through on your person - but this is not possible with HIE as it comes in a metal container and will set off the metal detector alarm - cue hand search and scan! So, trust the hand luggage scanners and simply put the film through in a normal film cooler bag. You could ask for a hand search but I would not recommend it unless you keep your changing bag handy and have good powers of persuasion :)

The final option is to buy your film in the destination country or location. You may like to check out Andy Frazer's Infrared Website for worldwide locations of infrared film stockists

Fredrik Skott

I stort sett ALL film är UV-känslig. De flesta (alla?) normala svartvita filmer behöver sensibiliseras för att även reagera för ljus med längre våglängder, t. ex rött ljus.

Anledningen till att många är oroliga för UV-ljuset (Som för övrigt inte ens tränger igenom en vanlig glasruta, det går ju inta att sola i växthuset, i alla fall inte speciellt bra!), är antagligen att man måste hantera filmen i totalt mörker. Detta beror på att filmen saknar ett s.k antihalationslager. Mer om detta här!
Jag tror inte att en enstaka röntgen pajjar dina filmer, MEN jag är inte säker...
HIE & FX-39!


Tog en rulle Kodak HIE nu i helgen och tänkte försöka framkalla den i Paterson FX-39. Någon som har några erfarenheter av detta?

/ Fredrik
Köp TZ99 hos Götaplatsens Foto