// IPTC tags
'iptcTitle'=>'IPTC: titel',
'iptcCopyright'=>'IPTC: copyright',
'iptcKeywords'=>'IPTC: nyckelord',
'iptcCategory'=>'IPTC: kategori',
'iptcSubCategories'=>'IPTC: underkategorier',
// Exif tag descriptions from:
// * [url]http://park2.wakwak.com/~tsuruzoh/Computer/Digicams/exif-e.html[/url]
// * [url]http://www.exif.org/Exif2-1.PDF[/url] & [url]http://www.exif.org/Exif2-2.PDF[/url]
//***** Exif tags which are in the official Exif specification *****//
// Tags relating to version
'FlashPixVersion' => 'Flash Pix-version', //cpg1.4
'ExifVersion' => 'Exif-version', //cpg1.4
// Tags relating to image configuration/data structure
'ColorSpace' => 'Färgrymd', //cpg1.4 (sRGB or Uncalibrated)
'ComponentsConfiguration' => 'Komponentkonfiguration', //cpg1.4 (i.e. YCbCr or RGB)
'CompressedBitsPerPixel' => 'Bitar per pixel (indikerar genomsnittlig JPEG-kompression)', //cpg1.4 (Information specific to compressed data. The compression mode used for a compressed image is indicated in unit bits per pixel. 8/[this value] should give an estimated JPEG compression ratio.)
'xResolution' => 'X-upplösning', //cpg1.4 (The number of pixels per ResolutionUnit (not to be confused with image dimension!))
'yResolution' => 'Y-upplösning', //cpg1.4 (The number of pixels per ResolutionUnit (not to be confused with image dimension!))
'ExifImageWidth' => 'Bildbredd', //cpg1.4 (This is actually the Exif tag "PixelXDimension")
'ExifImageHeight' => 'Bildhöjd', //cpg1.4 (This is actually the Exif tag "PixelYDimension")
'Orientation' => 'Bildorientering', //cpg1.4 (The image orientation)
'YCbCrPositioning' => 'YCbCr-positionering', //cpg1.4 (The position of chrominance components in relation to the luminance component)
'ResolutionUnit' => 'Upplösningens måttenhet', //cpg1.4 (The unit for measuring XResolution and YResolution, i.e. inches/centimeters. The same unit is used for both XResolution and YResolution)
// Tags relating to date and time
'DateTime' => 'Datum och tid', //cpg1.4 (The date and time the file was changed)
'DateTimeOriginal' => 'Datum och tid (original)', //cpg1.4 (The date and time when the original image data was generated)
'DateTimedigitized' => 'Datum och tid (digitaliserad)', //cpg1.4 (The date and time when the image was stored as digital data)
// Tags relating to picture-taking conditions
'ExposureTime' => 'Exponeringstid', //cpg1.4 (Exposure time, given in seconds)
'ExposureBiasValue' => 'Exponeringskompensation', //cpg1.4 (The exposure bias)
'ExposureProgram' => 'Exponeringsprogram', //cpg1.4 (The class of the program used by the camera to set exposure when the picture is taken, i.e. "Aperture priority", "Shutter priority" etc)
'ExposureMode' => 'Exponeringsmetod', //cpg1.4 (This tag indicates the exposure mode set when the image was shot, i.e. Auto exposure/Manual exposure/Auto bracket)
'FNumber' => 'Bländartal', //cpg1.4 (The F number)
'MaxApertureValue' => 'Största bländartal', //cpg1.4 (The smallest F number of the lens)
'FocalLength' => 'Brännvidd', //cpg1.4 (The actual focal length of the lens, in mm. Conversion is not made to the focal length of a 35 mm film camera)
'ISOSpeedRatings'=>'ISO', //cpg1.4 (Indicates the ISO Speed)
'MeteringMode' => 'Ljusmätningsmetod', //cpg1.4 (The metering mode, i.e. "Spot", "Center weighted average" etc)
'LightSource' => 'Ljuskälla (vitbalans)', //cpg1.4 (This is actually the whitebalance setting, i.e. "Tungsten", "Fluorescent" etc)
'WhiteBalance' => 'Metod för val av vitbalans', //cpg1.4 (This tag indicates the white balance mode set when the image was shot (Auto white balance/Manual white balance))
'SceneCaptureMode' => 'Typ av motiv', //cpg1.4 (This is actually called "SceneCaptureType" according to Exif 2.2 specifications - this is "Landscape", "Portrait", "Night scene")
'SceneType' => 'Scentyp', //cpg1.4 (Indicates the type of scene. If a DSC recorded the image, this tag value shall always be set to 1, indicating that the image was directly photographed)
'Flash' => 'Blixt', //cpg1.4 (This tag indicates the status of flash when the image was shot)
'DigitalZoomRatio' => 'Digital zoomfaktor', //cpg1.4 (This tag indicates the digital zoom ratio when the image was shot)
'GainControl' => 'Bildförstärkning', //cpg1.4 (This tag indicates the degree of overall image gain adjustment i.e. Low/High gain up and Low/High gain down)
'Contrast' => 'Kontrast', //cpg1.4 (This tag indicates the direction of contrast processing applied by the camera when the image was shot i.e. Normal/Soft/Hard)
'Saturation' => 'Färgmättnad', //cpg1.4 (This tag indicates the direction of saturation processing applied by the camera when the image was shot i.e. Normal/Low saturation/High saturation)
'Sharpness' => 'Skärpa', //cpg1.4 (This tag indicates the direction of sharpness processing applied by the camera when the image was shot i.e. Normal/Soft/Hard)
'FileSource' => 'Filkälla', //cpg1.4 (Indicates the image source)
'CustomerRender' => 'Anpassad bildbearbetning', //cpg1.4 (Actually called "CustomRendered" according to Exif 2.2 specifications - This tag indicates the use of special processing on image data, such as rendering geared to output. When special processing is performed, the reader is expected to disable or minimize any further processing)
// Other tags
'Make' => 'Tillverkare', //cpg1.4 (The manufacturer of the recording equipment)
'Model' => 'Modell', //cpg1.4 (The model name or model number of the equipment)
'Software' => 'Programvara', //cpg1.4 (This tag records the name and version of the software or firmware of the camera or image input device used to generate the image)
'ImageDescription' => ' Bildbeskrivning', //cpg1.4 (A character string giving the title of the image)
'ExifOffset' => 'Exif-index', //cpg1.4 (Where SubIFD area starts, actually called "Exif IFD Pointer" in Exif specs)
'IFD1Offset' => 'IFD1-index', //cpg1.4 (Where IFD1 area starts (thumbnail data))
'ExifInteroperabilityOffset' => 'Index för Exif-kompatibilitetsdata', //cpg1.4 (Indicates the identification of the Interoperability rule)
//***** End Exif tags which are in the official Exif specification *****//
//***** Non-standard Exif tags (i.e. manufacturer specific tags - for example, Quality is called JpegQual in Olympus digicams) *****//
'ISOSetting' => 'ISO', //cpg1.4 (Should be translated the same way as the "ISOSpeedRatings" tag)
'ISOSelection' => 'Metod för val av ISO', //cpg1.4 (Auto/Manual etc)
'ColorMode' => 'Färgläge', //cpg1.4 (Color/B&W/Monochrome etc)
'Quality' => 'Kvalitet', //cpg1.4 (Quality setting)
'ImageSharpening' => 'Skärpeinställning', //cpg1.4 (Auto/High etc)
'ImageAdjustment' => 'Bildjustering', //cpg1.4 (Auto/Manual/Contrast+/Contrast- etc)
'NoiseReduction' => 'Brusreducering', //cpg1.4
'FocusMode' => 'Fokuseringsmetod', //cpg1.4 (Auto/Manual, Single/Continuous etc)
'ManualFocusDistance' => 'Manuellt fokusavstånd', //cpg1.4 (Distance in meters if focus was manually selected, otherwise 0)
'AFFocusPosition' => 'Fokusposition vid autofokus', //cpg1.4 (Where focus was when using autofocus, i.e. Center/Top/Bottom/Left/Right etc)
'DigitalZoom' => 'Digital zoomfaktor', //cpg1.4 (Same as "DigitalZoomRatio" but manufacturer specific values, should be translated the same way as the "DigitalZoomRatio" tag)
'FlashSetting' => 'Blixt', //cpg1.4 (Normal/Red eye etc. Should be translated the same way as the "Flash" tag)
'Comment' => 'Kommentar', // (Note: this is not the Exif tag "UserComment")
'Adapter' => 'Konverter', //cpg1.4 (An adapter is what you put over the lens to change the focal length (Off/Fish eye/Wide etc))
//***** End non-standard Exif tags *****//