Aktiv medlem
A700 inte bara fikuserar snabbt utan även precist!
I do youth sports professionally. My primary cameras are MK-III, 40D, 7D, and 'sort of' A700.
A700 has the highest AF accuracy rate, and I am not even using a fast lens, 70~210 f/4, 21-yr old beer can. Out of 5000+ shots with a700, the out of focus ratio is less than 10%, compare to 30% in MK-III, out of 30,000 shots. Please be advised that the sub-mirror on my MK-III is NOT fix yet, just in case our friends over in the other camp get over excited by the statement.
Anyway, when you get a700, be sure to have the firmware version 3 installed. Version 3 is a substantial improvement over version 1. Also, be aware of the button panel; I happened to get a defective one. Since I return my defective a700, I am currently alphaless.
Overall, a700 is a very enjoyable and capable camera. Hope you enjoy it.
Simon H Chan
I do youth sports professionally. My primary cameras are MK-III, 40D, 7D, and 'sort of' A700.
A700 has the highest AF accuracy rate, and I am not even using a fast lens, 70~210 f/4, 21-yr old beer can. Out of 5000+ shots with a700, the out of focus ratio is less than 10%, compare to 30% in MK-III, out of 30,000 shots. Please be advised that the sub-mirror on my MK-III is NOT fix yet, just in case our friends over in the other camp get over excited by the statement.
Anyway, when you get a700, be sure to have the firmware version 3 installed. Version 3 is a substantial improvement over version 1. Also, be aware of the button panel; I happened to get a defective one. Since I return my defective a700, I am currently alphaless.
Overall, a700 is a very enjoyable and capable camera. Hope you enjoy it.
Simon H Chan