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50D, ny firmware

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Nu finns 1.0.6 att ladda ned till 50D

Firmware Version 1.0.6 incorporates the following improvements and fixes.

1. Supports the AF assist beam feature of the new flash, Speedlite 270 EX, which is scheduled to be released in April 2009.
2. Changes the error indications that are displayed on the camera.
3. Addresses the vertical banding noise phenomenon.

Firmware Version 1.0.6 is for cameras with firmware up to Version 1.0.5. If the camera's firmware is already Version 1.0.6, it is not necessary to update the firmware.
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Nu finns 1.0.6 att ladda ned till 50D

Firmware Version 1.0.6 incorporates the following improvements and fixes.

1. Supports the AF assist beam feature of the new flash, Speedlite 270 EX, which is scheduled to be released in April 2009.
2. Changes the error indications that are displayed on the camera.
3. Addresses the vertical banding noise phenomenon.

Firmware Version 1.0.6 is for cameras with firmware up to Version 1.0.5. If the camera's firmware is already Version 1.0.6, it is not necessary to update the firmware.

Det var punkt 3 som fick mig att tända till och laddade ner 1.06 och körde nu några bilder på en gatulampa nu kl 21.45 alla med mörk bakgrund. ISO 3200, 6400 och 12800. Alla bilder visar upp tydlig bandning fortfarande åtminstonde i jpeg som jag testade nu. Alltså fortfarande inte användbara ISO-tal på denna kamera vid mörka motiv.

Är det någon annan som gjort samma slutsats?
Götaplatsens foto – en riktig fotobutik.