Knight Palm
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Här är en intressant test. Det bekräftar i viss mån också mina erfarenheter, att E-300 blivit snabbare med firmware upgraderingarna.
The Olympus E300 is currently the digital camera with the highest card write speeds. The camera reaches over 9MB/s sustained with a Sandisk Ultra III Extreme card - no other digital camera, not even the fastest DLSRs, comes even close.The limiting factor here is not the camera. Only the fastest memory cards allow access to the camera's full potential.
Olympus E300 write speed test
The Olympus E300 is currently the digital camera with the highest card write speeds. The camera reaches over 9MB/s sustained with a Sandisk Ultra III Extreme card - no other digital camera, not even the fastest DLSRs, comes even close.The limiting factor here is not the camera. Only the fastest memory cards allow access to the camera's full potential.
Olympus E300 write speed test