Livet består av många ögonblick, en del förevigar vi genom att ta ett fotografi andra genom att skriva ner dem andra försvinner bara bort i glömska. Mycket sport, natur och tankar om livet i stort, en slags dagbok.

PPS PMU, at the Lukenya Getaway, Nairobi

Hi again!

It´s time for some more pictures from the seminars hold outside Nairobi. I´ll try do write in english. This blog is mostly for my friends in Africa but perhaps my swedish readers will find something to enjoy....there are some birds, animals in the end:)

the Lukenya Getaway.

We were about 85 persons from 9 african countries. Here to plan projects for coming years 2015-2018, projects supported by PMU(for swedish readers Pingstmissionens utvecklingssamarbete).

Niclas the director of PMU opens the session.

Thanks to Mauds planing and preparations everything worked out well during our stay here. Thank you Maud!!

We had some interesting discussions. For instance, you have two choises about a thing to do. How do you look at a task? "Just do it! or do you think like this "If you don´t know how to do it, don´t do it!

Most of PMU projects you find inside these five blocks: Democracy, gender, wellbeing(health, education, livlehood), envirorment and capacitybuildning.

The hotel was very nice.

The staf was great! Thank you guys!

The sessions we had was great but the best part was to sit together and share everyday things. Talk about how things are back home. How life is in different parts of Africa.

Mmm! Good!

Nice guys!

Let´s go back to work!

Everything was translated to french for the french speaking.

My two friends from South Sudan, Mustafa (to the left) and Hani. In two weeks time I´ll meet then in Juba, looking forward to that!

You need to have the right fokus Bengt says, showing a picture of me with my camera and a giraffe is standing behind me:)

and that was funny???

The last two days, we had discussions in  different groups. South Sudan was my group.

Here one of the etiophian groups.

It´s my fault! It´s okay, blame me!

What is our first priority?

The last night we had our dinner out in the bush.

No lions but these friends from Etiophia started to sing for us, lovely!

I must say that the swedish song and dance had a lot to improve(Jesus älskar alla barnen) but fun it was as you can see.

Gert is sharing some thoughts,never give up!!

Almoust everyone but not me....

That´s me! Looks like a nice guy!

We had a lot of fun during our stay, every morning some of us went for a walk outside the hotel area, and there we could see a lot of animals and birds.

Swedish time Gert!!

It was quit odd to hear that some of my african friends never had seen a zebra, and they live in Africa.

Strange to see wild animals and still see some houses.


Run boys,run!

Now some more birds, ants and monkeys. Have fun!

I hope you all have injoyed some of the pictures at least. This is the end of my blogs from Kenya. Tomorrow I´ll go to Tanzania with my wife, we have our 20th weddingday coming up in a couple I guess that I´ll soon have some more pictures to show.

God bless you my friends!

It´s a long way to the airport!!






Inlagt 2013-10-24 00:29 | Läst 6531 ggr. | Permalink

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Hur mycket är tre plus två?
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Lite kul att läsa hur du är förundrad över att dom bor i afrika men aldrig sett en zebra. Jag förstår det självklart, men det säger nog mer om oss svenskar och vilken syn vi har på afrika.
Själv har jag spenderat alla somrar i min ungdom i de mest björnrikaste delarna av sverige, men trots det aldrig sett någon, tack o lov! Hehe :)