Program planning seminar for PMU in Nairobi, a drama performance!
I`ll try to write in english so that my friends from the seminar will have a chance to understand what I`m writing. I´m sorry for all wrongspelling that you can find.
The PPS took place outside Nairobi at Lukenya Gateway, a very nice place to stay!
After a hard days work we had a visit from a local church, a group of young dancers and singers. They had a drama performance for all of us.
Briefly the story was about a young girl who liked to dance and party, she gets in to trubble with drugs etc and don`t want to live any more, when she meets the love of God in Jesus.
The pictures are not that good but I think you can follow the story.
You are sick you need to change your life, says the doctor.
I´ll kill my self!!
She meets with God!
Got you!!
I hope you liked the pictures, there is more to come in a couple days....i hope!
God bless you all!