WInterrail into the 20s, each stop posted on the same day...3 months later

Interrail och Impressionism

20 July - 2 August 2019

Already two months since my interrail trip started... A trip of tranquil freedom, making up my mind from moment to moment. Staying when I needed, leaving when I wanted was such a perfect way of travelling.
One of the best things about travelling by train was the resting of my eyes and mind on the passing by landscape. There was no need of doing anything. I could
Also, I discovered, rather accidentaly, how photographing could become something more than a sharp shot of the subject, just by gaining advantage of the rapidity of the train. Not even thinking about there was a genre such as impressionism photography, it is what I thought of the photos below when deciding on keeping them.

1. By-play

2. Falling in motion  
3. Spiral tree (& Bohus Fortress)
4. Lost in green(ery)
5. Treevial focus
6.The tiger's nose & wet nails (over Varberg)
Photos and text from the whole trip are all in previous posts.

Inlagt 2019-09-20 08:19 | Läst 1085 ggr. | Permalink