Agneta's Seagull blog. Sometimes in English versus Swedish. Copyright Agneta Viklund.
A Bear mother and her small cubs in Sequoia National Park.
Måste bara dela med mig av en upplevelse jag hade i helgen. Vi besökte Sequoia Nationalpark i Californien och min man och jag smög runt lite försiktigt i skogen för vi ville ju så gärna se björn. Plötsligt börjar det höras lite knastrande en bit bort och en björnmamma och hennes två små ungar kom gåendes. Vi smög försiktigt efter och såg till att ingen av oss kom emmellan henne och ungarna och hon verkade ganska avslappad med vår närvaro. Man blir bara så himla glad!! De små björnungarna lekte och klättrade i träden och var helt omedvetna om oss. Mamman letade mat och det lät verkligen när hon med sina klor barkade av ett omkull fallet träd och när hon gick iväg så följde de genast efter. De gick ut över ett berg, drack vatten ur en håla och försvann sedan neråt. Vi gick helt uppfyllda tillbaka till våran bil och for ner till vårt boende och laddade över våra bilder till datorn. Så nu sitter man med massa bilder och en stor glädje i hjärtat var gång man tittar på dom.
The dead Seagull.
This little story is about a time when I came to the ocean and found one seagull baby dead. I felt so sad. I had been there 4 days earlier and at that time the young Seagull was full of life, even if I could see that some of the other chased him/her away. I thought that maybe the dead Seagull had it better in the ocean, instead of laying on the ground among the other, so I made a decision, which might have been a wrong decision. I took the Seagull by the feet and carefully carried him/her to the ocean. All of the Seagulls at the beach was lifting to the air, circling high up and sqweeking. In a big circle they flew and then it became totally quiet. I didn't know if I should put the Seagull back but decided that he/she was better in the ocean. So I put him/her out, cried a little and he peacefully float away on the waves out to the horizon. All Seagulls flew away, and it took 15 minutes before one of them came back. It felt that I had interfered when I shouldn't. I was glad that I had taken photographs of just that Seagull 4 days earlier, but I felt very sad about his dead.
Talking, eating, flying and relaxing....that's "my" Seagulls. This afternoon was a clear and bright day and the curious Seagulls was interested in what I was doing there. I feel connection when they look straight in the viewfinder. It's the same feeling when they show me the back :)
The sound of wings.
I try to listen to the sound of the Seagulls wings when they are flying, but I am always distracted by the actually shooting and the joy I feel, looking at them in the viewfinder. Do they really sounds at all? I promise I will try to listen better next time I'll be with them.