Agfa Isolette V: Recensioner | Tester | Produktinfo | Prisjakt - Fotosidan

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Agfa Isolette V


The Isolette V, made from 1950 to '52, has Agfa's entry-level f/4.5 Agnar triplet lens, and only low-specification shutters (Pronto or Vario).[4] However, the lens is now coated on many examples, and ...

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The Isolette V, made from 1950 to '52, has Agfa's entry-level f/4.5 Agnar triplet lens, and only low-specification shutters (Pronto or Vario).[4] However, the lens is now coated on many examples, and the shutters are synchronised, with a PC socket. The camera's top housing is now of pressed, bright silver metal: this finish is retained for the rest of the series. The accessory shoe is either on top of the viewfinder or to one side of it (on earlier examples).[4] There is no body-mounted shutter release. // ref.


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