Moiitech Photoscape: Recensioner | Tester | Produktinfo | Prisjakt - Fotosidan

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Moiitech Photoscape


Gratis bildredigeringsprogram att ladda ner från nätet.

Info från utgivaren:
PhotoScape is a complete editing environment with the functions and tools needed to display images, create ...

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Gratis bildredigeringsprogram att ladda ner från nätet.

Info från utgivaren:
PhotoScape is a complete editing environment with the functions and tools needed to display images, create photomontages, impressions and conversions of formats.
Specifically, PhotoScape includes an image viewer with a presentation mode, an editor for adjusting levels of brightness, color and contrast, an editor of frames and masks to embellish your photos, and a set of tools to help you lay out images, fix red-eye, apply filters and other effects.
As additional features, the program features a RAW converter to JPEG and a manager of macros that will help you apply adjustments to all images stored in a single folder. For example, pass a black and white, change the contrast or rename all the images simultaneously.
Ultimately, PhotoScape includes everything you need to tweak, customize and process your images.
It is the most complete program of this type. Attractive interface and easy use of all its options.
To use PhotoScape you need is Operating system Windows 98/ Windows 98SE/ Windows Millennium/ Windows 2000/ Windows NT/ Windows XP/ Windows Vista.

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Medlem Lagd i kameraväska +
Karin Wennerhult 2011-07-07 12:34:09
corneliaasfoto 2012-08-12 22:44:54
Peachan 2012-12-18 10:39:03

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