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- Lighting for People Photography, 2nd ed (Stephen Crain)
- The Portrait
- The Print (Ansel Adams)
- The Negative (Ansel Adams)
- The Camera (Ansel Adams)
- The Hand Exposure Meter Book (Gerald Hirschfeld, Bob Shell, Martin S. Silverman och Jim Zuckerman)
- Post Exposure, Second Edition (Ctein)
- Basic Studio Lighting (Tony L. Corbell)
- B&W Photo-Lab Printing Special Effects (Julien Busselle)
- B&W Photo-Lab Processing and Printing (Julien Busselle)
- Darkroom Basics... and beyond (Roger Hicks och Frances Schultz)
- Stu Williamson's Concept to Print: The making of 20 portrait images (Stu Williamson)
- The Question-and-Answer Guide to Photo Techniques (Lee Frost)
- Creative Exposure Control. How to get the exposure you want every time (Les Meehan)
- Porträttfotografering
- Canon Abc fotobok
- Fotokomposition (Ulf Sjöstedt)
- Fotobok för bättre bilder (Bengt Gustafson)
- Portraiture at Home (R. H. Mason)
- Advanced Photography 6th Ed (Michael Langford)
- The Art of Black and White Photography (John Garrett)
- Framgångsrik fotografering (Andreas Feininger)
- Mastering Black-and-White Photography (Bernhard J Suess)
- Fotografi - Teori och Tillämpningar (L O Hendeberg)
- Practical Guide to Photographic Lighting for Film and Digital Photography (Jon Tarrant)
- Group Portrait Photography Handbook (Bill Hurter)
- Master Posing Guide for Portrait Photographers (J. D. Wacker)
- Camera and Lens (Ansel Adams)
- Lighting for Photographers (Roger Hicks och Frances Schultz)
- Camera Craft: Portraits (William Cheung)