Hasselblad H5D-50c: Recensioner | Tester | Produktinfo | Prisjakt - Fotosidan

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Hasselblad H5D-50c


There is nothing dull about low light with the new H5D-50c
Low light situations offer some of the most beautiful and creative light and with the H5D-50c this camera ...

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There is nothing dull about low light with the new H5D-50c
Low light situations offer some of the most beautiful and creative light and with the H5D-50c this camera is the embodiment of capture versatility.

High ISO performance
Due to the lower noise levels in the H5D-50c, you will be able to shoot at higher ISO values up to ISO 6400 and achieve incredible image clarity with perfect colours in any light.
Longer shutter speeds
The low noise levels from the H5D-50c will also enable longer shutter speeds of 12 minutes with an exposure time range as fast as 1/800s.
Faster capture rate
With a faster capture rate of 1.5 frames per second, you can keep on shooting without missing an opportunity.
14 f-stops dynamic range
Now there s a higher dynamic range too. The new H5D-50c camera copes with even the highest contrast shooting scenarios thanks to its increased dynamic range of 14 f-stops. This will ensure extremely good detail and tonality in shadows and highlight areas.
Faster Live Video
With the faster read-out times of the CMOS, the H5D-50c will also enable you a faster Live Video function in Phocus and Phocus Mobile. The frame rate is set to 10-15 frames per second and you can benefit from the Live Video in colour.

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